title: Final Reports link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/en language: en errorsto: lucidiot@brainshit.fr title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на тежко морско произшествие – засядане на м/к „LOYGA“ на 17.02.2023 г. link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-tezhko-morsko-proizshestvie-zasyadane-na-mk-loyga-na-17022023-g description: Final report from the safety investigation of a serious maritime accident – grounding of the motor vessel „LOYGA“ on 17.02.2023
Serious maritime accident – grounding of the motor vessel „LOYGA“  on 17.02.2023
svelkova Tue, 06/20/2023 - 11:05

On 17.2.2023 the motor vessel “LOYGA” made a passage/maneuver for berthing at the quay in the port of Varna-West. At 12:10 the vessel heaved up the anchor at anchorage No 1 for passage to berth No 13. At 12:40 a pilot boarded the ship. The vessel was heading towards the port of Canal No 1. At 12:57 she left the fairway, made a sharp turn to the starboard and grounded 50 meters NE of buoy No 117, near the base of the Asparukhov bridge. The vessel was pulled back and refloated at 13:46. A little later she anchored at anchorage No 3 in Varna Lake.

last-modified: 2023-06-20T07:59:47Z guid: 9319 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на много тежко морско произшествие – пожар в баластен танк на м/к „Bellona“ и смърт на работник по време на ремонт на кораба на 14.12.2021 г. link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-mnogo-tezhko-morsko-proizshestvie-pozhar-v-balasten-tank-na-mk-bellona-i-smrt-na-rabotnik-po-vreme-na-remont-na-koraba-na-14122021-g description: Final report from the safety investigation of a very serious maritime accident – fire in ballast tank of m/v "Bellona" and death of a worker during ship repairs on 14.12.2021
Fire in ballast tank of m/v
svelkova Tue, 05/16/2023 - 12:40

On 14.12.2021 in the ballast tank No. 3 port side of m/v "BELLONA", during repair works at ship repair yard “MTG Delfin” JSC a fire broke out. The fire was extinguished, but the worker of the company "Galera 07" LTD, who was in the tank, died.

last-modified: 2023-05-16T09:35:46Z guid: 9235 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на тежко морско произшествие – засядане на българския бряг на моторен кораб „Vera Su“ на 20.09.2021 г. link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-tezhko-morsko-proizshestvie-zasyadane-na-blgarskiya-bryag-na-motoren-korab-vera-su-na-20092021-g description: Final report from the safety investigation of a serious maritime accident – grounding of the motor vessel “Vera Su” on the Bulgarian coast on 20.09.2021
Motor vessel “Vera Su”
svelkova Tue, 09/13/2022 - 14:45
Final report from the safety investigation of a serious maritime accident – grounding of the motor vessel “Vera Su” on the Bulgarian coast on 20.09.2021

At 04:13:43 on 20.09.2021, the motor vessel “Vera Su”, navigating from the port of Yuzhniy, Ukraine to Varna, loaded with 2 837,201 mt Urea, missed a way point for joining in the Traffic Separation Scheme due to the falling asleep of the second officer and ran aground on the Bulgarian coast in the area of Yailata Protected Area.

The steep coast and the underwater rocks around the place of grounding, as well as the degraded weather situation, make it very difficult to access the ship and conduct a lightening and an operation of refloating the vessel.

last-modified: 2022-09-13T11:26:20Z guid: 8846 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: ОКОНЧАТЕЛЕН ДОКЛАД от разследването на много тежко морско произшествие – падане зад борд на двама членове от екипажа на м/к „MARE“ и смърт на единия от тях на 14.12.2020 г. link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-mnogo-tezhko-morsko-proizshestvie-padane-zad-bord-na-dvama-chlenove-ot-ekipazha-na-mk-mare-i-smrt-na-ediniya-ot-tyakh-na-14122020-g description: FINAL REPORT from the safety investigation of a very serious marine casualty - falling overboard of two crew members of m/v "MARE" and the death of one of them on 14.12.2020
Falling overboard of two crew members of m/v
svelkova Thu, 01/06/2022 - 11:34
FINAL REPORT from the safety investigation of a very serious marine casualty - falling overboard of two crew members of m/v "MARE" and the death of one of them on 14.12.2020

At 22:08 on 14.12.2020, the chief engineer of the m/v Mare fell overboard from the stern of the ship, while trying to retrieve his mobile phone, which turned out to be on the deck behind the railings. 

The ship left the Port of TPP Varna and came out of Varna Lake. The fall of the chief engineer was noticed by the ship's cook, who immediately informed the master, who was on the bridge, and the two ran to the stern. As the master threw a lifebuoy into the water and tried to locate the chief engineer, the cook suddenly jumped over the railing into the water.

last-modified: 2022-01-06T09:14:04Z guid: 8315 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на много тежко морско произшествие - смърт на моряк при падане в товарен трюм на моторен кораб „Anna M“ на рейда на пристанище Варна 08.12.2014 г. link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-mnogo-tezhko-morsko-proizshestvie-smrt-na-moryak-pri-padane-v-tovaren-tryum-na-motoren-korab-anna-m-na-reyda-na-pristanische-varna-08122014-g description: Final report Investigation of a very serious marine accident – DEATH OF A CREWMEMBER IN A FALLING IN THE CARGO HOLD OF M/V ANNA M, 2014
svelkova Fri, 02/14/2020 - 10:58
Final report Investigation of a very serious marine accident – DEATH OF A CREWMEMBER IN A FALLING IN THE CARGO HOLD OF M/V ANNA M, 2014

On 8 December 2014 at 1933, a 43-year-old crewmember of m/v Anna M was found in a helpless condition with severe head trauma at the bottom of the empty cargo hold № 1, near the vertical ladder to enter the hold. The ship was at anchor in Varna roadstead in expectation of permission to enter the port. A medical evacuation was carried out to the suffered ashore, where a doctor ascertained his death.

last-modified: 2020-02-14T08:53:43Z guid: 6062 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на много тежко морско произшествие - пожар в жилищните помещения на м/к „Героите на Севастопол“ и смърт на член от екипажа на 09.03.2018 г. link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-mnogo-tezhko-morsko-proizshestvie-pozhar-v-zhilischnite-pomescheniya-na-mk-geroite-na-sevastopol-i-smrt-na-chlen-ot-ekipazha-na-09032018-g description: Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – fire on board of m/v "Geroite na Sevastopol" and death of a crew member, on 9 march 2018
svelkova Tue, 12/17/2019 - 13:14
Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – fire on board of m/v "Geroite na Sevastopol" and death of a crew member, on 9 march 2018

At about 13:30 on 9 March 2018, a fire broke out on the first bridge deck of m/v "Geroite na Sevastopol". The ship was en route from Chernomorsk, Ukraine to Poti, Georgia. The place of fire was localized in the messmen’ cabin. The fire spread rapidly in the adjacent cabins and in the corridor. At 1332 the ship’s “General alarm”  sounded and the crew gathered at the "Muster station" to fight the fire.

last-modified: 2019-03-22T12:55:25Z guid: 4691 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на тежко произшествие – пожар в пространството между кея и борда на кораба и експлозия в баластен танк на м/т VF TANKER 7 в пристанището със специално предназначение „ТЕРЕМ – КРЗ Флотски арсенал - Варна“ link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-tezhko-proizshestvie-pozhar-v-prostranstvoto-mezhdu-keya-i-borda-na-koraba-i-eksploziya-v-balasten-tank-na-mt-vf-tanker-7-v-pristanischeto-ss-specialno-prednaznachenie-terem-krz-flotski-arsenal-varna description: Final report of investigation of serious marine accident - fire and explosion in ballast tank of m/t "VF Tanker 7", on 3.04.2017
svelkova Tue, 12/17/2019 - 13:10
Final report of investigation of serious marine accident - fire and explosion in ballast tank of m/t "VF Tanker 7", on 3.04.2017

At about 1030 on 3 April 2017, as a result of welding works on the s/b side of m/t "VF Tanker 7", moored in the port "Terem- KRZ Flotski Arsenal - Varna ", a fire occured in the space between the ship and the adjacent pier.

Vapors from spillage of oil products on the water surface ignited. The fire spreaded quickly from the nose to the stern. Approx. 1 minute after the start of the fire, an explosion occurred in the s/b side ballast tank № 7. The fire was extinguished with the help of the crew and the shore fire brigade.

last-modified: 2018-05-31T10:55:54Z guid: 4015 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на много тежко произшествие - смърт на докер при падане в товарен трюм на м/к SANTANA в Пристанище Бургас link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-mnogo-tezhko-proizshestvie-smrt-na-doker-pri-padane-v-tovaren-tryum-na-mk-santana-v-pristanische-burgas description: Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – death of a port worker of m/v “Santana”, on 05.11.2016
svelkova Tue, 12/17/2019 - 12:02
Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – death of a port worker of m/v “Santana”, on 05.11.2016

On 05.11.2016, at 1400, a port worker was found in a severe condition at cargo hold № 2 bottom of m/v “Santana”. Immediately before the accident, the worker was seen going down the ladder in the hold to resume work after a lunch break. There was no direct eyewitness to the accident. The injuries on the body indicated about a falling from a big height onto the metal floor of the hold. As a result of the received injuries, the suffered worker died on the way to the hospital.

last-modified: 2018-05-15T10:56:01Z guid: 3967 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследването на много тежко произшествие - смърт на член от екипажа на моторен кораб “INDRA II” в териториалното море на Република България link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvaneto-na-mnogo-tezhko-proizshestvie-smrt-na-chlen-ot-ekipazha-na-motoren-korab-indra-ii-v-teritorialnoto-more-na-republika-blgariya description: Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – death of a crew member of m/v “Indra II”, on 09.11.2015
svelkova Tue, 12/17/2019 - 12:00
Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – death of a crew member of m/v “Indra II”, on 09.11.2015

On 08.11.2015, the m/v "Indra II" left Odessa, Ukraine, with a course to the port of  Burgas, Bulgaria. The next day, 09.11.2015, the ship approached the area of Burgas port and started maneuvering for mooring to the quay. The main engine of the vessel stopped due to the activation of low oil pressure protection. The ship remained temporarily on a drift. The chief engineer informed the captain that the engine room staff would try to fix the problem in a short time. The routine actions for such cases were undertaken - cleaning the luboil system filters.

last-modified: 2017-10-31T09:33:22Z guid: 3498 at https://www.mtc.government.bg title: Окончателен доклад от разследване на много тежко произшествие - обръщане и потъване на моторен кораб „ELLAND” link: https://www.mtc.government.bg/bg/category/201/okonchatelen-doklad-ot-razsledvane-na-mnogo-tezhko-proizshestvie-obrschane-i-potvane-na-motoren-korab-elland description: Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – capsizing and sinking of m/v „Elland”, on 08.02.2014
svelkova Tue, 12/17/2019 - 11:56
Final report of investigation of very serious marine casualty – capsizing and sinking of m/v „Elland”, on 08.02.2014

At 1430 on 07.02.2014  m/v „Elland” left the port of Constanţa, Romania. By 1600 on  the same day, entering the territorial sea of Bulgaria, the ship unexpectedly received a 10º list to the portside. The big list interrupted the cooling and lubrication of the diesel generator and it stopped working. The main engine stopped too. The ship remained without steerability, drifting, with a list to the portside. The subsequent attempts to restore survivability were unsuccessful. At 2100  the captain ordered the crew to be ready for abandoning the ship.

last-modified: 2017-10-31T09:30:06Z guid: 3497 at https://www.mtc.government.bg