As you can probably see, there's a little guestbook box on the left there. everything is stored in a text file and is loaded in using javascript. I even made a little program in c++ that allows you to easily sign this little guy. Just run the executable called "GuestBook" in my home directory. It'll ask for a tilde name (please put a tilde next to it because it gets turned into a link to your tilde.town page) and a comment to post.
Apparently, firefox doesn't support webkit so I had to add a Javascript file to get it working.
But at least it
In other news:
I'm leaving on family vacation on Tuesday to Disney so I won't be able to post at all, but I should be back
sometime next week. Probably no updates leading up to Tuesday either because I'll be busy doing other things.
Talk to everyone in a week!
It actually works this time. I promise.
Every time I use it I have to create a new id to use but that's fine.
So here we are, on tilde.town and learning some html and css. This page is using rainbow.js for some code syntax highlighting, like so:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hello, world!\n");
It's pretty neat if you ask me!
I can also do
Everything here is written by hand (except rainbow.js of course) because I really wanted to learn html and css and this
tilde thing seems like a good way to do so.
Created by Lumaio using rainbow.js and my own html/css