On your phone,
install the F-Droid App Store app.
On your phone,
enter the F-Droid App Store
by tapping on its app button.
From there,
Enable Unexpected Keyboard
and configure Keyboard Switcher as you like.
On your phone,
start Termux,
by tapping on its app button.
You will get a terminal interface.
On your phone,
in the Termux interface,
if you haven't done yet,
enable the extra keys view by doing a long tap
on the keyboard button in the left drawer menu.
On your phone,
in Termux,
do some initial tasks:
$ pkg update $ pkg upgrade $ pkg install openssh $ mkdir $HOME/.ssh
On your phone,
in Termux,
generate host keys for sshd:
$ ssh-keygen -ANext give a password to your user:
$ passwd <password_of_your_choice>Then start the SSH server:
$ sshd
Assure that your smartphone and your PC
are in the same network (WiFi).
On your PC,
connect to your smartphone,
via SSH:
$ ssh <ip_of_your_smartphone> -p 8022
Via SSH,
in Termux,
install the vital packages:
$ pkg install vim # or the text editor of your choice $ pkg install sshpass $ pkg install mosh $ pkg install htop # for testing purposes
Via SSH,
in Termux,
create / add to file "$HOME/.termux/termux.properties":
extra-keys = [ \ [ \ { key: 'DRAWER' , popup: { macro: 'CTRL d' , display: 'C-d' } } , \ { key: 'ESC' , popup: { macro: 'CTRL c' , display: 'C-c' } } , \ { key: 'TAB' , popup: { key: 'b' , display: 'b' } } , \ { key: 'ALT' } , \ { key: 'LEFT' , popup: { key: 'F11' , display: 'F11' } } , \ { key: 'RIGHT' , popup: { key: 'F12' , display: 'F12' } } , \ { key: 'BACKSPACE' } , \ { key: 'PGUP' , display: 'PU' } , \ { key: 'HOME' , display: 'HOME' } , \ { key: 'RETURN' , popup: { key: 'q' , display: 'q' } } \ ] , \ [ \ { key: 'KEYBOARD' , popup: { macro: 'CTRL l' , display: 'C-l' } } , \ { key: '/' , display: '/' , popup: { key: 'BACKSLASH' , display: 'BKSL' } } , \ { key: 'r' , display: 'r' , popup: { key: 'R' , display: 'S-R' } } , \ { key: 'CTRL' , popup: { key: ',' , display: ',' } } , \ { key: 'UP' } , \ { key: 'DOWN' } , \ { key: 'SPACE' , display: '␣' } , \ { key: 'PGDN' , display: 'PD' } , \ { key: 'END' , display: 'END' } , \ { key: '#' , display: '#' , popup: { key: ':' , display: ':' } } \ ] , \ [ \ { key: '1' , display: '1' , popup: { key: 'F1' , display: 'F1' } } , \ { key: '2' , display: '2' , popup: { key: 'F2' , display: 'F2' } } , \ { key: '3' , display: '3' , popup: { key: 'F3' , display: 'F3' } } , \ { key: '4' , display: '4' , popup: { key: 'F4' , display: 'F4' } } , \ { key: '5' , display: '5' , popup: { key: 'F5' , display: 'F5' } } , \ { key: '6' , display: '6' , popup: { key: 'F6' , display: 'F6' } } , \ { key: '7' , display: '7' , popup: { key: 'F7' , display: 'F7' } } , \ { key: '8' , display: '8' , popup: { key: 'F8' , display: 'F8' } } , \ { key: '9' , display: '9' , popup: { key: 'F9' , display: 'F9' } } , \ { key: '0' , display: '0' , popup: { key: 'F10' , display: 'F10' } } \ ] \ ]
in Termux,
reload the configuration files:
$ termux-reload-settings
Via SSH,
in Termux,
create the directory that is scanned by the Termux widget:
$ mkdir $HOME/.shortcuts
Then create file "$HOME/.shortcuts/htop.sh":
#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash htop
On your phone,
create a Termux widget,
preferably on a new / empty "desktop".
In the Termux widget,
tap on the "reload" button, just in case.
Tapping on the "htop.sh" entry should open
a new Termux session with htop in it.
On your PC,
transfer the tilde.town SSH key pair to your phone:
$ scp -P 8022 ~/.ssh/<tilde_town_ssh_key_file>* <ip_of_your_smartphone>:.ssh/
Do not use the same SSH key pair on different devices.
For the use on your Android device, generate a separate SSH key pair.
Via SSH,
in Termux,
set sane permissions for the SSH keys:
$ chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh $ chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/*
Via SSH,
in Termux,
create file "$HOME/.shortcuts/mosh_to_town.sh":
#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash sshpass \ -v \ -P "Enter passphrase for key" \ -p "" \ mosh --ssh='ssh -i ~/.ssh/<tilde_town_ssh_key_file>' <your_login_name>@tilde.town
While the mosh/ssh connection is running,
the ssh key password, as part of the command line,
is visible to the ps command.
To prevent this, sshpass can also read a password
from a file when the -f flag is passed.
The file storing the password should have secure permissions.
In the Termux widget,
hit the "reload" button.
Then hitting the "mosh_to_town.sh" entry should open
a new Termux session which connects to tilde.town
without the need of typing the password.