[This is the offset table from the CCTools help. I reformatted it slightly. --Æ]

Chips.exe Offset Information

To benefit other programmers and Chip's Challenge enthusiasts, I have included the complete set of offsets that I found while making my Customizer program. Not all of these were used (for lack of a purpose I have found), but I have put them all in here to benefit others anyway. If anyone else has any useful (or just interesting) offsets they would like for me to know, or if you think I should include or exclude any values listed, please e-mail me. [email removed --Æ]

The offsets: (* denotes not included in CCHack)

0x486816Window Title
0x48A2157New game message
0x494052Not enough memory
0x497649Fire boots
0x49F035Moving blocks
0x4A3418Out of time
0x4A7416Entpack.ini entry name
0x4C0A9default blip2.wav
0x4C148default door.wav
0x4C1D10default bummer.wav
0x4C2810default ditty1.wav
0x4C3310default chimes.wav
0x4C3E8default oof3.wav
0x4C4710default strike.wav
0x4C5210default chimes.wav
0x4C5D10default click3.wav
0x4C688default pop2.wav
0x4C7110default water2.wav
0x4C7C8default hit3.wav
0x4C8512default teleport.wav
0x4C9210default click1.wav
0x4C9D8default bell.wav
0x4CA610default chip01.mid
0x4CB110default chip02.mid
0x4CBC10default canyon.mid
0x4DA36"PAUSED" *
0x4D1616"Chip's Challenge"
0x4E3117Ignore Passwords menu option
0x510C88Skip level
0x516639Corrupt...dat file
0x519A39Enter p/w *
0x51C240Incorrect p/w *
0x51EB26Must enter p/w *
0x523639Must enter level and/or p/w *
0x525E33Must enter valid p/w *
0x528033Not valid level # *
0x52A220No levels completed *
0x52B733Level %d: %d seconds, %l points *
0x52D924Level %d: not completed *
0x52F530You have completed %d level(s). *
0x531431Total score is... *
0x533418Yowser! First try!
0x534714Go Bit Buster!
0x535620Finished! Good Work!
0x536B20At last! You did it!
0x538315Time Bonus: %d
0x539317Level Bonus: %li
0x53A517Level Score: %li
0x53B750Established time record
0x53ED49Beat prv time record
0x542254Increased score
0x545917Total score: %li
0x546E57Great job...finished
0x54A8154Melinda offers membership...
0x5544381You completed %d levels, tot score is...
0x56D6129Picking up chips...instead of a champ.
0x5758114Chip hit the ice...thrash-a-thon!
0x57CB121Chip is halfway though...computer breath!
0x5845123Chips used to spend...this brain-buster!
0x58C1120'I can do it!...Melinda waits at the end!
0x593A114Besides being an angel...president of the Bit Busters!
0x59AD125Chip can't wait...accessed everyone's grades!
0x5A2B101If Chip's grades...help him study!
0x5A91131'I've made it this far...'Totally unfair!" he yelps.
0x5B1560Groov-u-loids!...He's stoked!
0x91B92Fake Last Level # (copy 1)
0x91C02# of levels (copy 1)
0xBA142# of levels (copy 2)
0xBB142Fake Last Level # (copy 2)
0xBB1C2# of levels (copy 3)
0xD800???OBJ32_4 bitmap
0x1F800???OBJ32_4E bitmap
0x30000???OBJ32_1 bitmap
0x36A00???BACKGROUND bitmap
0x38400???200 bitmap
0x3A000???INFOWND bitmap
0x3B800???CHIPEND bitmap
[NOTE: The following are relative to the end of the bitmap section.
The offsets given are with the default graphics.]
0x3FC109 New Game
0x3FC216 Pause
0x3FC2F14 Best Times
0x3FC475 Exit
0x3FC5C17 Background Music
0x3FC7214 Sound Effects
0x3FC856 Color
0x3FC9915 Restart
0x3FCAD12 Next
0x3FCBE16 Previous
0x3FCD39 Go To
0x3FCE912 Contents
0x3FCFA12 How to Play
0x3FD0B9 Commands
0x3FD1916 How to Use Help
0x3FD3326 About...
0x3FE0F11Go To Level *
0x3FE3A54Enter level # or p/w *
0x3FEA313Level number: *
0x3FEC19Password: *
0x4000F14Password Entry *
0x4020F10Best Times *
0x4024A40Level number, seconds left, level score: *
0x402965Go To *
0x4040F15Level Complete! *
0x404A47Onward! *
0x4060716"Chip's Challenge" (about box)