
23 may 2024

am very often annoyed by lights triggered by proximity sensors there is one outside my window, on my porch it keeps me up at night when people are smoking

sometimes i smoke on my porch i hang out on it for sure

ive kisses some cute girls on my porch under that proximity lights the best kisses were in darkness

22 may 2024

may 21st

i am feeling really good! i woke up today to stef, entering my room for date night :D i slowly woke up and got dressed, and then we went to the rivoli and played pool im not very good at pool but i had a lot of fun practicing and getting better! i sunk balls :0 before pool we ordered food and drinks (tonic water and na beer) food was surprisingly good! i saw the stage, and remembered the rivoli is also a venue i asked the bartender what kinds of artists play the venue she said up and comers, it sounded like lots cancon (canadian content) which is distinctly different than just like any generic canadian band from what i understand cancon means like "industry" artists stef was really good at pool, she won twice !! and she gave me so many helpful tips i asked questions and she gave me good answers, and really good feedback! now we're back at mine, we smoked some weed

yesterday me and stef watched paris, texas! thought it was great! beautiful colours and cinematography and movie making and stuff