Quote 3
12:05 < jumblesale> hey krowbar
12:05 < krowbar> what’s hangin'?
12:09 < jumblesale> oh you know
12:09 < jumblesale> just the usual
12:09 < jumblesale> how are things with you
12:10 < krowbar> tired
12:10 < krowbar> in early
12:10 < krowbar> made a double-tea
12:10 < krowbar> we’ll see how that works
12:10 < krowbar> reading the latest ~zine contribs
12:11 < jumblesale> I’m having some lovely jasmine tea
12:13 < krowbar> insom: re: your teen poem. were you reading Poe at the time? It gives that vibe a bit
12:13 < krowbar> probably the “dark and dreary” reference tbh
12:17 < jumblesale> krowbar yeah I got a poe vibe from it too!
12:18 < jumblesale> the meter is kind of similar too I feel?
12:18 < jumblesale> I’m not one to poopoo his poe poem
12:22 < krowbar> no, no pooing poe permitted
12:33 < minerobber> no pooing poe?