Quote 8: Tricking everyone
17:00 -!- blah [~j@localhost] has joined #tildetown
17:00 < blah> How is everyone!
17:00 < tonebender> minerobber: could you use an IRC bouncer for that?
17:00 < sanqui> hello!
17:00 < sanqui> welcome, blah, to the town!
17:00 <@vilmibm> welcome blah :D
17:00 < tonebender> nice handle blah :)
17:01 < sanqui> let’s see how many more variants on that sentence i can come up with
17:01 < minerobber> hey blah
17:01 <@vilmibm> is minerbot accurate?
17:01 < blah> :P
17:01 < minerobber> not really
17:01 <@vilmibm> wb then ^^
17:01 < minerobber> I’m back, at least, for a while.
17:02 < blah> and now, for the big reveal (that most of you have probably guessed by now…)
17:02 -!- blah is now known as minerobber|nc
17:02 <@vilmibm> hahahaha
17:02 < tonebender> wow
17:02 <@vilmibm> :p
17:02 < sanqui> gasp
17:02 <@vilmibm> like 30 people just joined
17:02 < minerobber|nc> tada!
17:02 < sanqui> i did not, legitimately, expect that
17:02 <@vilmibm> and i don’t remember all their names so
17:02 -!- minerobber|nc [~j@localhost] has quit [Client Quit]
17:04 < sanqui> have some lovely crows https://twitter.com/kris0723/status/865635066008842242 <3
17:04 < cosnok> [“The daily #crow(s). Felt privileged to watch these lovely crows gently allopreen. The crow on the left made soft co… https://t.co/mmWEAzhLE6”
17:04 < minerobber> >tfw you trick practically everyone on the server