hello! i'm aoife(she/it). this is my little home on tilde.town, where i hope to make friends, learn a lot, and have a nice cozy time.
my personal website is hosted on a raspberry pi and is available on enby.space. it's a memex, a wiki, a forever home for my thoughts, ideas, and art.
i'm a software engineer by day, and a slightly worse software engineer by night. i know a non-zero amount of things about a lot of things, and i'm always happy to help out or take part in any project! do contact me, i'm probably interested in participating.
things i do here
some stuff i do on ~townsay hi
i live for social interaction! please send me a message via local mail, tildechat, libera, regular email, pigeon, or what have you. i'd love to read it, and i'd love even more to become friends. i'm usually pretty active on the internet relay chats.
aoife@enby.space | |
irc | nbsp on chat, tilde.chat, and libera |