14 february 2017
I'm still making things and being frustrated when it is difficult to make things. Have to keep going. Keep making. Keep doing. Nothing makes me happier. ^ REMEMBER THIS ^
I'm still making things and being frustrated when it is difficult to make things. Have to keep going. Keep making. Keep doing. Nothing makes me happier. ^ REMEMBER THIS ^
I'm so bad at changing feels. I have them, loads of them, but I just can never put them in words. Sorry.
Still making progress with this little project. HTML and JavaScript is all written; now I'm pushing my "doing interesting things with lots of data" capabilities. I spent the weekend looking though everyone's public html, to get a feel for what kind of stuff I'm looking for. It was for the project initially, making lists of pages that I could use, but I came out of it with a great feeling of happiness about this place. I'm still so impressed by so many people here. Well done us.
I'm making something for you all. It has already pushed my JavaScript capabilities to the limit. And so my current feels are that I should get better at JavaScript...