# PROFILE - Unix stuff
# Quick-link to update ~/.profile
pro()     { vi ~/.profile ; }
runpro()  { .  ~/.profile ; }
greppro() { grep "$@" ~/.profile ; }

# List only the files, directories or links.
lsf() { ls -l "$@" | grep '^-' ; }
lsd() { ls -l "$@" | grep '^d' ; }
lsl() { ls -l "$@" | grep '^l' ; }

# List the directories, links and files in that order.
lsa() { lsd "$@" ; lsl "$@" ; lsf "$@" ; }

# Navigate to a directory, and immediately list all contents.
cds() {
  DirOrig=`pwd` ; cd "$@" ; DirNew=`pwd`
  # Only need to list all if we have successfully moved to a different directory
  if [[ "$DirOrig" != "$DirNew" ]] ; then
cda() { cds "$@" ; }

# Misc.
f() { finger "$@" ; }
x() { chmod +x "$@" ; }

# PROFILE - Tilde stuff
# Chat & social stuff.
grepchat()  { grep "$@" ~karlen/reference/irc/#tildetown.log ; }
mentions()  { ~karlen/bin/mensch ; }
chatty()    { ~karlen/bin/chatty ; }
vanity()    { ~dan/proggies/vanity.py ; }

# Quote stuff.
quote()     { ~frs/quotes/randquote.py ; }
quoteadd()  { ~frs/quotes/addquote.py "$@" ; }
wikiquote() { ~nossidge/quotes/wikiquote "$@" ; }
wq()        { wikiquote "$@" ; }
liff()      { shuf -n1 ~nossidge/quotes/liff.txt ; }

# Get all users, logged in or not.
allusers()  { cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" | grep -v "/bin/false" \
              | cut -d: -f1 | sort ; }

# PROFILE - Poem and randomgen stuff
band()     { ~nossidge/randomgen/gothy_band "$@" ; }
therese()  { ~nossidge/poems/therese "$@" ; }
findsnow() { ~nossidge/snowball/find_snowballs "$@" ; }
getsnow()  { findsnow "$@" ; }

# SHELL - Cool stuff that I need to play with more
# bash ~james/shrimper.sh
# figlet Hello world!
# /var/local/poetry/bin/mkpoem
# haiku