Creating a Local Mirror of Slackware64-current

Step 1: Install Darkhttpd (from slackbuilds)
Note is a community-supported repository of SlackBuild scripts. These scripts provide an easy way to compile and package third-party softwarefor Slackware while maintaining compatibility with the Slackware packagemanagement system. You’ll use a SlackBuild script to compile and install darkhttpd.

To install Darkhttpd, follow these steps:
tar zxf darkhttpd.tar.gz
cd darkhttpd
sudo sh darkhttpd.SlackBuild
installpkg /tmp/darkhttpd-1.16-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz

This will compile darkhttpd from source and create a package that can be
installed with installpkg.
Step 2: Download and Prepare the Mirror Script
Download AlienBob's mirror script and make it executable:
cd /usr/local/bin
chmod +x
Step 3: Update Mirror Script Parameters
Edit the script to define the maintainer and set the root directory for the mirror:
Modify the following lines:
BUILDER=${BUILDER:-"r1w1s1 <>"}

Step 4: Create Directory for the Mirror
Create the root directory specified in the script:
mkdir -p /var/www/slackware-mirror
Step 5: Run the Mirror Script
Run the script to sync the mirror (note: this may take a while and require ~18GB of space):
Step 6: Start darkhttpd (dont need a configuration file)
darkhttpd /var/www/slackware-mirror --port 80 --daemon
Optional: Add Darkhttpd to rc.local for Auto-Start
Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
Add the following line to start Darkhttpd on boot:
darkhttpd /var/www/slackware-mirror --port 80 --daemon
Make rc.local executable:
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
Step 7: Configure Slackpkg to Use the Local Mirror
Edit the slackpkg mirrors file to point to the new local mirror:
vim /etc/slackpkg/mirrors
Add your local mirror URL:
This setup should now allow slackpkg to use your local Slackware mirror.