- lp: gold oro, maroon outfit *
- mp: brown oro, white outfit
- hp: orange oro, blue outfit
- lk: blue oro, brown outfit
- mk: green oro, red outfit
- hk: gray oro, dark blue outfit *
- lp+mk+hp: gold oro, purple outfit *
- mk; excellent range, good startup and damage (memorize range); not good against elena, chun and oro
- mp; v good range, slow startup
- hk; excellent vs tall chars who cant duck it, MAD FUCKIN stun
- c.hp; fast startup, cancels (no cancel is useful with it though except for resets), mad priority, underrated poke
- designed to beat low blows, otherwise not very useful. usually hits kicks
- try not to sweep with oro (except with chun, knockdowns important)
- c.hp and are good for stopping dash ins; c.hp beats makotos, use when makoto spamming it
- ignore lp
- lk useful as tick, interrupts moves, can beat throws.
- both grabs cross up. 4/5 hits of forwardgrab=1 backgrab. Use backgrab unless zoning is a problem.
- farthest kara throw is far MK, sweet spot. best kara throw is HK (not very good)
- fastest backdash of all chars. dash in backgrab is useful
- is acceptable poke, dont use too much unless they start parrying high
- fear parries - all his attacks are slow and all far attacks are high parries
- hp: use on wakeup; during corner chicken after jab reset
air moves, ordered by importance
- jump. oro's double jumping very useful for zoning/baiting/fake crossups, makes oro safest character midair.
- mk - basic, essential crossup. Hits below/behind oro, best air to air after a super jump.
- diag - longest hitstun - follow w close mp. Best air to air on a normal jump
- neutral - best antiair defensive; often safe on parry. use while going up. longass hitstun, more damage and stun than diag hk. same stun as ground mk (a lot)
- hp - useless against oro, hits twice against tall opponents but usually only one parry. hitstun as good as hk but not as good stun, just use hk if possible. Acceptable air to air
- air grab - good for when you expect them to air parry. not very good outside that situation. best air grab in game. very slow startup. Acceptable air to air.
mostly you have unconfirmed mps: follow mostly with hk, neut jump hk, or walk forward mp
can super jump cancel (useful) or taunt cancel mp (useless)
confirmed mp (on punish etc):
- chicken combo
- juggle limit 6 hits. first hit of mp is 1, second hit is 3. all air attacks are 3, far mp and forward mp are 6, ball and stomp are 1.
- must super cancel between hits of second or third cl. mp, or you hit juggle limit. first mp 1+3, super. second mp 1+1+1+3, hits 6 before super can hit. cancel before the 3
- chicken combo confirms all of oro's supers except ex sa1
antiair mp:
- walk forward, (1 hit) super cancel into sa3
- walk forward,, chicken, mp charge uppercut
- hk on fall
- neut
jump in: air chicken,, chicken juggle, always end with mp charge uppercut
chicken combo
- (cl. MPxxMK stomp)x3. Works on all characters. Only works on hugo/twins in corners, or twins as anti air (parried divekick?).
- builds mad meter, oro can't charge efficiently without hitting.
- cancels into all sa, usefulness varies. Good for normal sa2, EX sa3. Ok for normal sa3, normal sa1. Bad for EX sa2.
- end with mp charge uppercut after two bounces for damage.
punishing stun:
- [neut j.hp/hk (only if stunned midair, not unusual for oro)], command grab
- [neut j.hp/hk (only if stunned midair)] cl mp, chicken, follow up however
fireballs (sun disk palm) - use mp against hugo in the corner a whole lot
command grab (human pillar driver) combos from and mk, also use mk for high parry only/stun, use for low parry/low block only
- if they're parrying too much use to discourage, be wary though. about as unsafe on block as shoto
- mp, jump after them hk, command grab on landing to catch baited parries (beaten by shoryu etc. so mix up with blocks some)
- with tengu activated, lk pause mk command grab combos/confirms - works with normal tengu, easier with ex
charge uppercut (oniyama)
- lp = safe reversal, best reversal oro has, not completely safe on block. good antiair for crossups
- mp = combo one, good to end chains like chicken for damage
- hp = easiest to cancel and good chip but otherwise not notable. good antiair for normal jumpins
- all 3 cancel into super. hp cancel into super is safe on block, sets up unblockable on hit
- ex isn't invincible on startup but very difficult to interrupt (usually only invincible supers beat it)
stomp (chickenscratch)
- normal good if crossup
- ex good for chip, hard to parry; air version never useful
air chicken
- wakeup corner mixup: neut j, f.j hk :: neut j, f.j, :: neut j, f.j, air chicken,, chicken
- air version only launch oro has besides mp
- sa3 combo: air chicken, xx ex sa3, hk hk hk hk
- meaty, occassionally stuffs a shoryu
basic game tactics:
MUST MUST MUST MUST be able to ex tengu on reaction to successful 2hit mp
Dash in under jump ins, from behind.
- overheads are very safe, low arent
- no cancelling, and def no best bet is or, hk (slightly safer)
- if they're looking to reverse, just block. looking to parry, far command grab
- looking to block, use low/overhead mixups., tick throw for low, hp obviously. meaty UO combos into mk if well timed, confirmable command grab. blocked uo can be punished with grab otherwise. good timing lets you trade grabs or mk/mp out of their grab
- uo to mp is very safe even if it wont usually hit (oros only good link), mk not as safe, easier to time
- super jump mk hits most attacks in air that go below oro
- always tech roll, especially against urien or hugo
- hp recovers immediately on land so useful for crossing up and grabbing
- lp reset during chicken lets you dash under, or not, then
midscreen sa3:
- mp, cancel ex sa3 (hk, = mad stun (remember to walk forward)
- mp, cancel ex sa3, (, = piss easy, lower stun
- normal tengu: very useful for people with no reversal (makoto, urien). smash lk to keep combo going/pressure up. go for far hp or close uo when possible, and close c.lks (dont do chicken scratch!)
- very easy to go in for backgrab near end of combo
-, chicken combo, last hit double hit, ex fireball, jump in mk, begin juggle again
- makoto wakes up v slow, slightly longer pause for her
- builds more meter than it uses
- only drawback: opponent can tech roll
- chicken combo, 5 hits, SA2. scoot opponent forward with dashes, crossup mk, repeat. spacing varies with characters.
- jab sa2 for makoto and chun. strong for most chars. fierce for dud and necro.
corner specific:
- 2 hits, hp fireball (not a cancel), hk/c.hp/mp charge upper/walk up sjc neutral jump hp/hk
- chicken, end with full mp, back up ex fireball (high), uoh/, begin juggle again
- chicken, cancel into ex sa3, hk a bunch. 100% stun setup against chun, elena, q. also makoto, necro and shotos, but more difficult version
vs Q (sa3 preferred, no corner crossups on Q):
- oro's easiest match, falls very slow and very easy to juggle. Good training dummy. can't escape corners, very slow.
- dash into charge punches, ends up ducking his punches and can mp punish
- oro will always corner him
- ex tengu juggle attacks wont reset ever if you hit just right (about 1/2 screen); will end up in full stun (works against chun and elena)
- stun juggle: can juggle in corner with normal hk 6x with right spacing
vs necro (sa2 preferred):
- oro's second easiest match, tied perhaps with 12
- SA2 infinite piss easy. chicken combo 5 hits, hp sa2, two c.hps (whiff), super jump forward crossup mk, repeat.
- stun juggle: hk hk mk mk mk
vs twelve (sa2 preferred):
- antiair fireballs. very difficult for 12 to deal with, yeild high damage with easy confirms.
- oro's ground game beats twelve's cold, twelve has small range advantage only and big priority disadvantage. oro can duck some of 12's useful pokes. watch for ndl, especially as anti air.
vs hugo (sa2 preferred):
- supposedly in oro's favor, but oro can't make mistakes.
- bully hugo into corner with (safe) forward+mp, and mk pokes. Use mp fireball for anti air, but don't spam. don't double jump if he picks SA2. jump hp preferred. jump hp, cl. mp (1 hit), hp fireball is safe on block, can use to setup sa2. jump back hk on hugo's wakeup viable.
- bully hugo into corner, mp sa2. jump past hugo, hit from both sides, follow up as you will. Repeat as necessary.
- chicken doesn't work, use 2 hit mp, hk stomp (confirmed from mp), hk as a punishing tool and basic juggle. turtle hard.
vs remy (sa3 preferred):
- easy match for oro. remy can make trouble for oro but oro's high stun and remy's inability to pin him down favor oro here.
- watch out for c.hp or air to air hp, yeild high damage for remy during ensuing juggles. oro can dash under high lovs and cold blue kick fairly easily if he's in the right place. watch for low lovs, use good judgement on getting past/blocking them.
- if you get a lead, you can turtle remy to bait his (poor) offensive abilities
vs alex (sa2 preferred):
- very easy for oro. sa2 infinite very easy to set up, almost as easy as necro. alex is easy to bully around but his pokes can cause trouble for oro. oro can't punish slash elbow so don't try, or try selectively with high priority moves. alex has no reversal except sa2 so play wakeup game as often as you want.
vs ibuki (no preference):
- supposedly in oro's favor, mostly individual skill. ibuki takes damage like a bitch but she has an answer to everything oro can do. don't be predictable.
- ibuki's df+mk goes under all oro's jump ins, where she can hit him from behind. he can't punish it unless he parries it from afar. ibuki's anti airs are ok so don't jump in too much. oro can dash under f+mk or f+hk but it's damn risky trying. if you get close mp you've basically won but it's not easy. you can dash
- under most sa1 setups and cross ibuki up, hit her as she lands. some ibukis use sa3 here. don't whiff pokes if they do. 3 stone tengu is fairly safe here and the unblockable is easy.
vs oro (no preference):
- a surprisingly difficult match. oro can duck his own best pokes. bad for both players. oro/oro matches are embarrassing.
- use stand hk to stuff jumps, neutral to anti air, use discretion when considering anti air or ground fireballs. oro can approach very quickly.
vs urien (sa3 preferred):
- very similar characters. oro's ground priority and reach beat urien's cold, c.hp beats every high urien has except his hp, and beats every low he has. aegis reflects yagyou dama.
- basically a poke war until someone gets a meter. oro's advantage. once you get sa3 charged, bully urien into a corner and watch as he helplessly tries to block or parry. oro with sa3 activated can destroy mirrors with any attack, pref far mp as it recovers quickly and hits far.
vs shotos (sa3 preferred, especially akuma, teleports out of sa2):
- even matches for oro. advantage against sean (duh) and akuma (oro's high stun and a random corner crossup)
- ken can reverse some oro pokes with shippu even on hit, but not broken. ryu is an even match.
- in corner:
- chicken juggle, close mp, super jump cancel hk/hp is easier to time
- bait cornered with neutral, beats all air attacks even (ex) tatsumaki
- reset them often then block, bait shoryus. if none, backgrab or overhead/low mixups
- stun juggle: hk hk mk
vs yun/yang (sa3 strongly preferred)
- bad for oro, but his matches with the twins are no worse than most characters'.
- watch for corner crossups. only twins and ibuki can cross oro up in corners. don't let them confirm anything. yun's shoulder beats most of oro's attacks but it's parriable on reaction most of the time. dash punch is unsafe except at very specific distances. oro can't do much about mantis slashes except jump out in the offbeats, but remember to mix it up.
- crossing them up is difficult. crouch block during yun's sa3 and try to predict grabs. if you see f+mk, use lp spinning uppercut and you should score a knockdown.
vs dudley (sa2 preferred):
- even match. dudley's poking and wakeup game are better than oro's.
- dudley is easy to cl. mp and he's the second easiest char in the game to juggle and infinite, only second to necro. get a meter, try to set him up. oro ducks the first 4~ hits of mgb, use this to piss the dudley off. if he throws roses they can hit oro out of his ex reversal uppercut since there's no invincibility. so block the rose (don't parry it unless you like getting grabbed out of parrystun) and try to watch for overheads.
vs makoto (no preference):
- makoto likes using sa1 here because throwing out sa2 unconfirmed is especially dumb against oro and he's hard to stun+evasive so it's not as useful confirmed either. avoid karakusas by staying in the air or far away.
- punish dash ins or her with c.hp. oro can effectively keep makoto out but once she gets in oro can't do much about her grab setups beyond jumping out or crossing his fingers.
vs elena (no preference):
- oro's second worst matchup. her reach, and especially her priority absolutely trump oros. her air priority keeps him down, and she has air target combos for more damage and better zoning. she's nearly impossible to corner and her sliding sweep is nigh unpunishable (except low parry or neutral
- don't do anything fancy. play keepaway, don't poke with mk or hk unless you want to eat super. learn to parry both hits of her special overhead on reaction, and possibly rhino horn too if she throws it out from bad distances.
- she's difficult to juggle with tengu stones and harder to corner but the 100% corner stun works on her.
- sa2 is no harder on her than the rest of the cast.
vs chun (sa3 preferred):
- oro has the worst matchup against the best character. she ducks mk and hk, and can sa2 on reaction. sa2 punishes lp fireballs at almost fullscreen, too.
- don't do anything fancy. don't do much anything. jump in constantly, chun can't do much about it. go for tick throws whenever possible, don't poke except with and use air stomps as a launcher, or close mp if you like. she's not hard to corner but watch out for and her tick throws/kara throws. stay in the air. her jump hp hp will beat all your air attacks if she's coming from the right angle, so don't just jump up twice half a screen away or something very readable.
- if you manage to parry a, mk xx command grab beats the sa2 if she does one through your parry. if you block sa2, parry the last hit then do mp followed by chicken and/or the ex tengu combo of your choice.
famous oros:
- dirty music (dirty♫) - great execution
- -- watch for the 100% stun combo on Q, and watch how much damage the tengu juggle does on ibuki in round 2, also watch how he tries to set them up
- -- This one's vs ken, urien, dudley, chun li and yun. all 5 are some of the best players of their characters, highlights here: his 3 stone traps against ken, his 3 stone traps against URIEN, his SA2 infinite against dudley, his 100% stun combos on chun and all around evasive tactics and his general tactic in the yun match
- hirochan - good execution, unusual tactics, red parries
- thanatos - risky, unreadable, occasionally demonstrates great talent/understanding of character
- inoue - very strong in most areas
- hungbee - good execution, especially the 100% stuns, very strong in the chun match, takes no risks.
Refer to Jinrai's "Man of Gold" for visual aid. unblockable vs yun doesn't work, everything else is good.