
29 december 2016

Made a few commits to Quilt. Man, programming is challenging. As I continue to struggle with this open-source project I'm slowly gaining skills :)

I really hope to be a good engineer. It's great to build things and intensely terrible to be incompetent.


14 december 2016

Excited for winter break! A bit sad that I'm leaving CT, but I can't wait to meet my friends back home again.


04 december 2016

Recently I discovered vaporwave wave. Oh man, what a dream. I've always had a fascination with computer glitches and cyberpunk.

Haha that's not the best description of the genre, is it?

In the center of the vaporwave movement is an artist called Vektroid.

I love her album "Neocali", check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbEaSHhQRe0

It's it nice how English is the preferred language of the programming world? Imagine having to learn French or Chinese in order to code.


02 december 2016

Sometimes, when I study computer science, I feel like an acolyte sorceror, poring over my arcane tomes. But really, this is as close to sorcery as it gets. There's a chance that we will create, in this century, conscious artificial intelligence.


01 december 2016

btw, Winter is coming.


28 november 2016

When I compare my coding ability with the grad student that I'm working under and the other undergraduate researchers, I come to the unsettling conclusion that I'm only an ant. Regardless, I wish to be a helpful ant. Maybe in doing that I can become stronger.

This is going to sound fictional, but a Native American chief told me (personally) that we become strong through helping others.


27 november 2016

I am not productive.

I would like to be productive because one of the greatest joys in life is being and feeling helpful to other people.


23 november 2016

At the Coakley's house right now for Thanksgiving Break. Long Island, NY.

Reading through Netsys/Quilt codebase right now, trying to understand so I can later contribute. I'm slowly getting better, I think.


22 november 2016

Joined tilde.town today. In Sturges Cottage, Mystic CT, watching Ex Machina with friends. Working on science results right now. Hope we'll be done by the end of the movie...
