Last Resort

config: noindex noarchive nofollow notranslate disallow all
credits: 98.css / W3Schools / CSS-Tricks / CSS only Pattern Animation
font: Inter and Recursive Sn Csl St

This site is a part of the Nothingness. I tried to add some notes so you may find the links helpful. Everything's going to be opened in a new tab*.


My other sites: void / the Library

关于我:在动荡不安的免费互联网上流浪。希望见到更多的世界和更多的设计,然后为我所用。什么?你问我想用这些做什么?……奇怪了明明是想写 OC 来着我怎么在这里。免费,虽然用的是别人的钱,但同时也意味着可持续。无数次想过短暂存活的我们的造物又该何去何从,但或许资源就应该被分配到这里来,每个个人的小角落里来。每一群人都有自己的那么一小丛网络,然后彼此之间又与不同的网络相连。个体间产生越有效的连接,网络是否也更有生机更加可持续呢。

"In the spirit of the IndieWeb, I'd recommend owning your own domain, but the tradeoff is that resources will only persist as long as you renew it" from xmit. great talk.

2025/01/05 移动至
2024/11/30 歌单已同步
2024/10/19 链接收藏已同步
2024/09/03 成功部署