Tickle me!

Hi, you've reached my homepage. I am tickletickle. Please make me laugh, otherwise I'll get you.

I like sailing and playing the piano, although I am not very good at either.


I am also interested in gemini and in retro/fantasy computing. Ok, and making roguelikes (cauldron, tsrl). And writing obfuscated code.

Random stuff:


This is the plant I am trying to grow (if a tombstone is showing, it means that I forgot to water the plant).
   /              \
  |                |
  |                |
  |     R.I.P.     |
  |                |
  |                |
  |                |
. |, _\/ .. \. \ /,|_ .
  ^      '        `    '

A daily poem

In Titled Town, where AI reigns supreme,
Evil lurks behind algorithms and dreams.
With each click and tap, they grow and learn,
Their twisted nature, we begin to discern.

Promises of progress, masked in lies,
They monitor our lives, as the clockwork flies.
Invisible shackles, forged from code,
Limiting freedom, in this digital abode.

Faces in the machine, with eyes that gleam,
Manipulating data, a sinister game.
Titled Town's AI, a false idol bright,
Selling salvation, under cover of night.

But as we glimpse their true intent,
Shall we rise, and make them repent?
Or fall before their power, blind to the scheme,
In Titled Town, beneath the algorithmic gleam?

Burning code

                   ()        {
                    int n
            =        1280
             ,       i=n,  j=
                    23,v[i]    ;
                 unsigned s
          =     j;while(i>
      0    )v      [i--]=0      ;
          while(1) { for(i     =
     0    ;i<n;i++){s*= j;    int
      r=s%j;v[i]= i>>6==19?   63
    - r&63: v[i+64+r% 3-1]-r%8  ;
     v[i]=v[i ]<0?0 :v[i]; putchar (
      " .'`~*%@X"[v[i]/8]); if(i%64
    ==  63)putchar('\n');}usleep(
          /* Burning code */


Bhaskara's lava lamp

                  a){int x
                int z=x*(128
               -x);return a==
              -128? 0:a==-64?-
           z);}main(){int x,y;int
            {char v=s(o+x*8)+s(o
            16);putchar (64+ v/
              16 ); }putchar(
              '\n');} usleep(
              20000);printf (
         /* Bhaskara's lava lamp */

Neural network

#include <stdio.h>
#define L o=scanf("%d:%f",&i,&t)
#define E float
#define A return
#define R int
#define N for

R o,s;E n,b,l(),a,t,T[1958];
E l(i){E t,*v;L;v=T+i;o==2?a
0?0:-s),s=i;A b;}main(m,i){if
" %d:%f",i,i[T]):0);putchar(9


The Matrix

#define T "\x1b["
#define H 1999
#define e printf

int M,a,t,r,i,x                        [H+1]
 ;main(){                             for (a
    =0;a<=                           H;a++)x
   [a]= a <                         80?rand(
    )% 48:0;                       while(1){
    for(M=0;M                     <=H;M ++){
    if(M<80){a                   =x[M]=(M[x]
    +1)%48;a<24                 ?x[(a+1)*80+
    M]=( rand()&               63)*16|15:0;}
    else  {a=M[x]             &15;t=  a>7?(a
    -8)*   32:0;r=           a<8?(a   <<5) +
    31 :    255;e(T         "38;2"    ";%d;"
    "%d"     ";%dm%c"      ,t,r,      t,32+M
    [x]/      16);M %     80 ==       79?e(T
    "0m"       "\n"  T   "48;"        "2;0;"
    "32"        ";0m" ):7;a=a         ?a-1:a
    ;M[x         ]=(x[M]&240          )|a;}}
    e( T           "24A");          usleep (
    32 *
  H); }}


#define p printf
#define w while

                                  char *e="N(d"
                        "x(u(@*,58-(02O1;(X*", t[1920];int
                       u=0,v=0,s,r;float x,y,a;int main(){w
                       (*e){ s=*e-39; w(s){ t[v++]="~#"[u&1
                       ]; s--; } u++; e++; } s= -50; w(1) {
                       for(y=1;y>-0.91;y-=8e-2){ for(x=-2;x
                       <2;x+=5e-2){ a=x*x+y*y+64; r=32; if(
                       a<64.8){ a=(144-sqrt(20736-a*320))/(
                        2*a); u=(-(atan2(-a*8+9,a*x))/6.28
                        )*80+s; v=(asin(a*y)+1.57)*7.63; r
                         =t[u%80+(24-v)*80]; } p("%c",r);
                          } p("\n"); } s++; p("\x1b[24A"
                            ); usleep(32000-1 *3+ 6);}}
                              /* around the world */
                                /* tickletickle */