Hello, I'm Troido. Welcome to my place in Tildetown

            /       \                    {%}
           /         \                {%{%}%%%}
          /           \              {%%%{%%%}%%}        
         /             \           {%%{%%%}%%%%%%}}      
        /     _____     \          {%%%\{%%%}/{%%%%}          
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      /      |__|__|      \      {%%} {%%%}%/{%%%%%}              
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   |                         |   {} {%%%}\ |//{%} 
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   |    |Troido's  house|    |   {%\==_\ |//{%}
   |    #===============#    |         \\| |
   |                         |          \| |
   |     ___                 |           ||| 
   |    |   | click the      |           | |  
   |    |~  | door to        |           | |    
   |    |   | enter          |  @    .   |||   
   |____|___|________________| \|/,. V  //|\\ 

Asciifarm has received a rewrite to rust. The asciifarm client is still in python.
Currently I am working on evil cadastre: a turn based strategy game.

Currently I'm working on a multiplayer ascii rpg to run on the town: AsciiFarm.
You can run the command `asciifarm` on the town to start the game client.
For more information and the source, check out asciifarm on github.

I've made a new project: Cadastre.
The idea is to make a huge ascii art town that all tilde.town users contribute to.

vilmibm has set a symlink to tron so now you can just run it with the tron command. Also, the server should run permanently now since I have a cron job to ensure it's running every minute.
Currently I'm working on creating a 3d multiplayer ascii shooter to run in the terminal. A prototype can be found in /home/troido/doom.

I'm currently working on a clone of the game Achtung die Kurve.
Check it out here: tilde.town/~troido/achtung

Today I made a multiplayer tron game for this tilde.
It's in /home/troido/tron/
See instructions.txt on how to run it.
Source code on github.com/jmdejong/terminal-tron.

I have a list of most my project on my website troido.nl

There is another lists of games I made in collaboration with a group of friends on hedgelizards.github.io

I really feedback so please tell me what you think of my projects.

I am also on tilde.club and tilde.institute.

The best way to contact me on tilde.town is sending an irc message. I am in tilde.town internal irc, tilde.chat irc and libera.chat irc as troido. Tilde.town users can contact me by sending an internal email.