
Hello, it's tromboneboi9, member of

And yes, I do enjoy grilled cheese. Especially sharp cheddar on sourdough.

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Last updated: 2024-07-15

Socials & Other Pages

Things I Made


HTML Web-apps




I have a Bandcamp but nothing's there as of now. Some of my more orchestral-style notated pieces and arrangements are on my YouTube.

I played trombone and tuba in school but nowadays I play electric bass and a bit of guitar and piano.

I am a composer and huge theory nerd though, especially regarding tuning theory and microtonality, or “xenharmonics”.

I use Scala quite often to screw around with scales. Some of the scales I've made reside here.

I tend to find inspiration from theoretical concepts rather than other composers, but if I have any human inspirations they would probably be the big twentieth-century folks like Arnold Schoenberg or Philip Glass.

Language Learning

I've tried to learn several world languages, but I can't say I'm fluent in anything other than American English.

Linguistics & Conlangs

I, by the way, am also a tokiponist: mi ken toki kepeken toki pona. tenpo mute la, mi toki kepeken nimi pu kepeken nimi ku suli kepeken nimi ante pi mute lili.

But I started developing my own international auxiliary language because apparently most existing IALs are terrible. For now, it's just called AKIAL. More info here.

In the future I might make a more artistic language for game development, or maybe for an RPG if I ever get into that.