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~vilmibm's tilde town shrine

hello! i am ~vilmibm, the creator and maintainer of tilde.town

town history

tilde.club happened in october 2014. at the time, i was living on a friend's floor. i was enchanted by tilde.club and got an account there, but by the time i told my friends about it sign-ups were closed. a few days later it was my birthday, October 11th. I decided the present I wanted was a social unix server. My friend ~cmr stayed up with me all night doing the initial setup. The original dream was to take the mechanical aspects and general spirit of tilde.club but make a place that was more inclusive of less technical folk and would never have a user limit.

For a more thorough account of the town's creation and history, check out this piece i wrote on the town's third birthday.

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The town runs on a sizable Digital Ocean droplet, though we started on the EC2 free tier (and grew until it got too expensive there). We've seen four generations of Ubuntu Server. Our IRC server is Ergo (though when we first adopted it it was called oragono); we previously used both ngircd and charybdis. We also use inspircd to maintain a link to tilde.chat. Our webserver is nginx. Most system scripts are written in Go with some Python3 left over. We used to use a custom custom Django application for signups, a guestbook, and a helpdesk but have since been replacing it with smaller cuter terminal based utilities written in Go.

Our beloved ~insom runs a mastodon instance at tiny.tilde.website. We also have a discord, a steam group, and a Starbound server.

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meat space meet ups

While there hasn't been a proper tilde.town worldwide meetup, we have had small townie gatherings here and there. Most notable is our Ottawa, Canada contigent. Prior to wandering off to other parts of the USA, ~vilmibm routinely met up with townies in the Portland area.

Meetups have also happened in New York City and LA.

photo gallery

the following are pictures in no particular order from throughout the town's history.

ascii art from here and here.