#========================================================= # # | |___ _| |___ _| |_ # | __\ \ /\ / / __\ \/ / __| # | |_ \ V V /| |_ > <| |_ # \__| \_/\_/ \__/_/\_\\__| # # Twtxt is an open, distributed # microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, # common transport protocols, and # free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at # https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # #========================================================= # # nick = von # url = https://tilde.town/~von/twtxt.txt # lang = en,fr # #==================[Welcome to my twtxt]================== 2018-11-13T11:01:50+00:00 Welp, starting twtxt again :) Hello 2018-11-13T13:15:39+00:00 I'm also on mastodon, but I'm not microblogging like crazy 2018-11-13T13:25:01+00:00 Also I wonder how may people are following me, is there a place for that ? 2018-11-13T14:03:43+00:00 God I'm tired. 'bout work and 'bout life. I just don't want to work here for 1 month again... 2018-11-13T15:47:57+00:00 Wow, I'm listening to Pop, like, real pop music. I'm not ashamed, you are. 2018-11-13T15:49:01+00:00 I'm trying to quit too much apps and stuff with :wq 2018-11-14T08:36:28+00:00 Kinda feel like i'm alone on this, but I still find it fun, so I'll continue for the moment :) I think a way to notify about stuff is lacking 2018-11-14T10:40:06+00:00 Just updated my contacts backup script to encrypt it in aes before putting it in the cloud 2018-11-14T12:25:49+00:00 Well, already said it a lot but : Life is shit 2018-11-14T13:25:33+00:00 New (french) article is up ! https://framaclic.org/h/quest-ce-quon-sert # Lost a few tweets from there 2019-03-14T14:13:34.000000Z Soooo. My whole public_html folder is gone. twtxt as well. Hope I can find a backup somewhere 2019-03-15T08:15:42.000000Z @ Nice guess ! But unfortunately it has been overwritten :/ 2019-03-19T08:30:38.000000Z Ok, everything is back on my tilde.town homepage. Thanks to web.archive.org ^^ I'm just sad I couldn't retrieve my twtxt.txt file :/ 2019-03-20T14:32:36.000000Z So I just bought a new vinyl ^^ https://dasmortal.bandcamp.com/album/always-loved 2019-03-22T08:27:48.000000Z @ : Ah, I still don't see your posts in my timeline even though the file is good on my browser :/ 2019-03-22T11:09:52.000000Z @ (re: freemor) What ? No I don't, I just use twtxt normally and use the timeline command :/ 2019-03-24T20:01:28.000000Z @ When I 'twtxt view freemor', the last post I get is from 2 months ago :/ 2019-03-24T20:02:33.000000Z @ It's : 'Hmmm... looking at my logs...' 2019-03-26T08:08:23.000000Z @ Nope, nothing changed :/ I even deleted you and followed you again. You just don't appear in my timeline. It's weird 2019-03-26T08:15:39.000000Z @ Ok, switched to txtnish, and I can see your posts :) 2019-03-26T12:55:25.000000Z Article 13 has been voted by the EU parliament. Shit 2019-03-26T15:57:46.000000Z @ That's the line I sent you before, the one starting with 'Hmmm... looking at my logs...' 2019-03-27T08:17:49.000000Z @ re:line. Well, maybe it's just me ^^ at least it's working fine with txtnish now :) 2019-03-28T09:40:59.000000Z I'm more and more into funk music :) 2019-03-29T08:30:34.000000Z @ (RE : PGP word list) Really interesting, thank you ! 2019-04-03T07:10:55.000000Z Currently writing a birthday blog post, it's been a year already ! 2019-04-05T07:48:56.000000Z Aaah, je déteste galérer pour trouver un titre d'article x) 2019-04-11T10:16:31.000000Z Julian Assange has just been arrested : http://0x0.st/sYI 2019-04-11T10:55:14.000000Z @ : Shit, sorry, misswrote my command and didn't check :/ It's stopped. Sorry 2019-04-11T11:36:13.000000Z @ : Yes I am, Thanks ! And sorry again... 2019-05-06T15:34:22.000000Z We're getting a cat ! Yay ! 2019-05-07T08:07:44.000000Z @ (re: cats) Thanks ! I can't wait ! We will welcome her at the end of the month :) 2019-05-15T09:38:35.000000Z I don't know why I'm not posting here anymore. Actually it might be just that I don't think about it 2019-05-15T11:35:10.000000Z @ (re: posting) Wow, that's a pretty nice way to see it :) Also mine being Mastodon, that can explains a bit 2019-05-20T09:34:51.000000Z I'm really glad I bought the Firewatch OST :) 2019-05-28T08:24:19.000000Z Je devrais publier un nouvel article aujourd'hui :) Un peu réac', mais faut bien s'exprimer de temps en temps 2019-05-28T12:33:43.000000Z Article publié ! http://0x0.st/sUp 2019-05-28T13:16:38.000000Z Hello i'm the moron that posted an article right before a server maintenance 2019-05-29T09:28:24.000000Z @ Just done it ;) 2019-06-12T14:58:07.000000Z I get 1 month to find a new job, let the game begin! 2019-09-17T07:39:12.000000Z Haven't been here for a while. I guess I didn't have lot to share nor to find 2019-10-01T07:36:59.000000Z I used to write poems, but I stopped. Now I want to make a book filled with poems for my gf. I got 2 months, wish me luck 2019-10-01T07:37:53.000000Z Actually I already have 1 poem I wrote for her, but it's for when I'll propose so... 2019-10-02T07:55:53.000000Z Currently reinstalling i3 at work :) 2019-10-02T13:14:01.000000Z @ I think I wouldn't accept a dev job if they make me use a system I don't want 2019-10-04T10:44:29.000000Z HELL | VOIID ⌘ https://voiidtheband.bandcamp.com/track/hell 2019-10-07T12:56:58.000000Z @ : [XMPP] I have an account for a long time, but only talk with one person, not that often :/ I'm sad not a lot uses it 2019-10-07T13:46:31.000000Z Dark Synthetics | Secret Shame ⌘ https://secretshame.bandcamp.com/album/dark-synthetics 2019-10-07T15:14:20.000000Z @ : +1 2019-10-08T10:25:08.000000Z @ (re #xmpp) Yeah, I might try that, but for the moment I just made my gf use Signal, small step. Thanks for the link :) 2019-10-09T07:34:23.000000Z WTF is that -> https://cfc.io 2019-10-09T12:58:15.000000Z NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework ⌘ https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/# 2019-10-10T07:33:45.000000Z Now Playing ∴ Handpicked Albums by the Glitch Family ⌘ https://music.glitch.family/ 2019-10-11T08:34:04.000000Z @ Yup, we're here ^^ 2019-10-14T07:11:05.000000Z Happy birthday to every ~townies ! 2019-10-16T12:42:02.000000Z I managed to properly configure ddclient for my subdomains. I'm glad I keep learning stuff about self-hosting :) 2019-10-21T07:38:47.000000Z I have the feeling that this is going to be a looooong week 2019-10-22T07:23:34.000000Z @ (long week) Oh ok, well I'll let you do your stuff then. Just, try not to break anything from the universe. Thanks 2019-10-24T10:39:59.000000Z Lonely Doe Young Doe | A Formal Horse ⌘ https://aformalhorse.bandcamp.com/track/lonely-doe-young-doe 2019-10-25T14:48:19.000000Z @ Yay ! Welcome back ! 2019-10-28T08:22:14.000000Z I think that I gonna do another twtxt on my personal server, and tweet without saying where it can be read 2019-10-29T08:12:01.000000Z @ I mean, I'd keep this one, but also create another one just to let go thoughts. But yeah, the more I think about it the sillier it gets. 2019-10-29T11:04:43.000000Z The Coppelia Mazurka will always give me the chills 2019-10-30T08:00:32.000000Z @ re: hidden twtxt: But you ended up leaving it right ? 2019-10-30T08:34:15.000000Z @: private twtxt file: Haha, could also be agood idea yeah :) 2019-10-30T08:35:47.000000Z Feeling really down lately, I have a lot to think, about a lot of stuff, and I'm not good at managing lots of stuff at the same time in my head, makes me want to implode 2019-10-30T08:46:38.000000Z Maybe I'm kinda in a lack of passion 2019-10-30T14:05:50.000000Z Just added a WriteFreely instance to my server, so that I can create an "anonymous" blog and be angsty alone 2019-10-30T16:18:56.000000Z @ : re bulletjournal : Yeah I tried keeping a bullet journal, it lasted about 6 months I think. But yeah, that could be a good managing tool :) 2019-10-30T16:18:56.000001Z @ : re other twtxt : I'll consider it then, but it\'d be on another server, meaning I\'ll use a client on the other server 2019-11-04T08:18:47.000000Z (re: bullet journal) Thanks a lot @ ! I'll be sure to keep that in mind ^^ 2019-11-04T08:19:32.000000Z I said that I would publish an article last week, but I just couldn't find the time, and it's been a while since my blog hasn't been updated :( 2019-11-05T09:21:34.000000Z @ @ (re: bullet journal) Ok, I guess I'm pumped up to start bullet journaling again ! Thanks for the motivation ! 2019-11-06T08:48:07.000000Z @ (re: bujo) Thanks ! Also I have a question, should I make a separate bujo for work ? Or will I be overwhelmed ? I can't decide whether it would be useful 2019-11-07T08:10:29.000000Z @ (re: bujo) The dash-plus system might actually work for what I need :) Thanks for pointing it out ! (and thanks for all the good advices) 2019-11-07T08:10:29.000001Z @ (re: bujo) Also it won't be necessarily shared, it's more about managing my tasks. For now I use Taskwarrior 2019-11-07T08:10:29.000002Z @ (re: bujo) Yeah, that's pretty clever, even though Ithought of another notebook, that might be too heavy as you said. 2019-11-07T08:40:21.000000Z @frogotbits.com (re: bujo) Well actually I don't have that much to right down (I think) so a bujo might be overkill. Actually I'm good with Taskwarrior for now, I find it faster to manage tasks, but having a place where I can put tasks and thoughts on paper is nice. That's why i'm gonna go with dash-plus as @ showed me :) 2019-11-15T15:16:01.000000Z bujo : I'm getting used to it, it's nice and clear and I love how everything I do is archived :) It helps moving forward and having a clearer mind ^^ 2019-11-19T08:19:57.000000Z Petit craquage précommande : https://0x0.st/sw52 C'est pas forcément la bonne période pour des dépenses supplémentaires je sais 2019-11-20T08:22:12.000000Z @ xD Hahaha, j'ai dû supprimer un caractère sans faire exprès ! Merci ! C'est mis à jour :) 2019-11-20T08:26:03.000000Z @ (re: finger) wow, real nice, I completely forgot that existed ! Thanks for the reminder :) 2019-11-20T08:45:17.000000Z I just reinstalled pi-hole on my server. I'm having a hard time because my router is kinda closed 2019-11-22T08:06:27.000000Z @ (re: finger) Haha, yes, I guess so :P 2019-11-22T13:36:36.000000Z It's n̶o̶t̶ violent — SOS Violence Conjugale ⌘ https://itsnotviolent.com/ 2019-11-22T14:42:48.000000Z Whfg0sbhaq7ntnva9gung7yvg+yr3rapbqvat0fpevcg9bs9zvar,0V5erny+l5yvxr4vg 2019-11-27T08:56:50.000000Z I don't wanna work today, I just wanna listen to music all day... 2019-11-27T09:04:17.000000Z @ (re: idgen) : So nice ! Also I really love everything about your website, it's really pleasant to navigate on it :D 2019-11-28T08:06:37.000000Z I noticed that I'm kinda pessimistic in intimacy while I tend to be optimistic in society. Based on what I say 2019-11-28T13:29:44.000000Z @ (re: pessimism) That might be the explanation, but I'm impressed by that automatic switch 2019-12-04T09:14:23+00:00 I need to bring my piratebox to my new job :) It wasn't really exploited in the former one, it even got the USB stolen, but I love it and I want it used 2019-12-17T08:59:19.000000Z Even though noone send me GPG encrypted messages, I renewed my expiration date to one more year :) 2019-12-19T08:58:30.000000Z @ (re: gpg) Well I do sign my emails, but the majority of persons I send emails to are not that kind of users :/ 2019-12-23T10:47:56.000000Z @ @ (re: gpg) There's also Keybase as good GPG tool. They offer a lot of encrypted services as well :) 2019-12-27T09:25:20.000000Z Started to make a website for when we play truth or dare at my parties. Everything is done and working, and now I just have to write 600 truth/dare into it x) 2020-01-02T08:41:32.000000Z @ It's seems that txtnish isn't able to retrieve your twtxt file :/ I get the "curl: (6) getaddrinfo() thread failed to start" 2020-01-02T08:48:17.000000Z @ (re: twtxt problem) Oh well, I played with txtnish commands and now you're back in my timeline x) 2020-01-02T09:28:53.000000Z Company | Fran ⌘ https://franband.bandcamp.com/track/company 2020-01-03T09:10:04.000000Z i need to write another blog post this month. I don't know why I don't have any inspiration for the past 2 months 2020-01-03T10:08:29.000000Z Also I can't wait to be paid so I can start a Japanese course on Rosetta Stone :) 2020-01-06T09:17:42+00:00 I had a nice bottle of rhum for Christmas. But as I'm doing the #DryJanuary I won't be able to taste it yet. I guess it'll just make it more enjoyable :) 2020-01-06T15:44:30.000000Z @ (re: blog post ideas) haha why not :P But for now it's all in personnal notes or drafts ^^ 2020-01-07T08:01:24.000000Z @ Don't worry, it's always a pleasure being mentionned, even by mistake :D 2020-01-08T08:30:31.000000Z @ : Yay ! Thanks for that neurochemistry shot ! 2020-01-08T13:23:41.000000Z @ Welcome ! :D 2020-01-13T08:17:37.000000Z Well, #DryJanuary didn't last long, we received yesterday and I drank beer, as well as a taste of that rhum, gifted for Christmas x) 2020-01-14T08:33:06.000000Z My new blog post is almost done and I'm glad. I struggled with inspiration for a couple months so feeling good while writing is nice 2020-01-16T14:21:12.000000Z Les gouttes décédées | Dead Drops ⌘ https://ttm.sh/E3o 2020-01-16T15:08:33.000000Z I'm glad tilde.town feels exists, it helps a bit to shout through 2020-01-17T13:33:12.000000Z @ (re: dead drops) ^^ I guess that's the risk :P Thanks ! 2020-01-23T13:28:48.000000Z I really like my bujo. I still using it since the moment I said it here, and it's just really good for what I needed :) Thanks again @ 2020-01-23T16:19:36.000000Z Welcome @ :) 2020-01-23T16:22:15.000000Z @ : what do you mean ? I'm on ssh using txtnish as client 2020-01-27T13:16:10.000000Z @ : Thanks ! I didn't see she released a new album ^^ It's really good even :D 2020-01-27T16:07:37.000000Z @ : But the vinyl is already out of stock everywhere... This adds to the shitty day 2020-01-29T08:29:28.000000Z @ : yeah, even the album before this is not on bandcamp :/ 2020-02-04T08:30:57.000000Z Welcome to MailTape - A place for music lovers by music lovers ⌘ https://www.mailta.pe/ 2020-02-05T08:39:34.000000Z @ : :P 2020-02-05T14:29:32.000000Z Cool Kid Maker [UPDATE 1.1]|Picrew ⌘ https://picrew.me/image_maker/148413 2020-02-07T08:12:37.000000Z @ (re: music) I don't really get the point of being in bandcamp while removing the tools bandcamp provides. Too bad I won't add it to my library then :/ 2020-02-07T10:02:38.000000Z Virile | Moses Sumney ⌘ https://mosessumney.bandcamp.com/track/virile-2 2020-02-10T13:37:35.000000Z Sooo, I'm gonna propose to my gf. During the recording of a podcast in a theater. They'll put me in the show so that I can make the best proposal ever :) This proposal will be recorded and broadcasted and that's awesome. 2020-02-10T16:43:36.000000Z How does one kills himself temporarily ? 2020-02-11T08:24:44.000000Z Thanks @ ! I'll keep you up to date :) 2020-02-12T08:21:46.000000Z @ Well I needed it immediately so it's too late, but sleeping is not allowed in every situation ^^ But thanks ! I'll try to remember it next time :) 2020-02-17T08:17:41.000000Z Cryptee | Private, Secure, Encrypted Photos and Encrypted Documents ⌘ https://crypt.ee/ 2020-02-18T08:53:10.000000Z @ @ : I answered with a possible solution 2020-02-20T08:31:36.000000Z So I installed Session to give it a try, come chat with me :) https://ttm.sh/EnO.png 2020-02-20T10:17:59.000000Z It's a new one in the instant messaging game :P https://getsession.org It's a fork of Signal and claims no metadata. I too have my chatting tools, but it doesn't prevent to check new stuff ^^ 2020-02-21T11:29:57.000000Z @ (re: Session) I don't think so, but it might be possible to try something by running Session apps in separate containers on your phone. But I didn't try it 2020-02-25T11:44:14.000000Z Remember that proposal thing ? Yeah well it's aborted, no one knows when a new opportunity will show up 2020-02-28T10:07:22.000000Z Article terminé, je le mettrais en ligne à 16h :D 2020-03-05T08:19:42.000000Z My blog is doing fine, I'm really glad I managed to run it for almost 2 years and love posting in it ^^ 2020-03-11T08:52:03.000000Z @ (re: ed) Haha, have fun with ed ^^ I recently wrote an article about it and I must admit that it's indeed "fun" to use x) 2020-03-11T14:18:49.000000Z I just love seeing IPs being banned after trying to attack my server. It feels really good. Take that bad Russian hackers ! 2020-06-23T07:54:15.000000Z Pwnagotchi - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning ⌘ https://pwnagotchi.ai 2020-07-24T07:10:18.000000Z Slingcode ⌘ https://slingcode.net/ 2021-06-11T12:58:46.000000Z Wow, it's been a while since I've been here 2021-07-23T10:23:33.000000Z Wow it's been a while. Just dropping a quick look to see how y'all are doing