\magnification = n

Plain TEX command to scale all fonts by a factor of n 1000 .

layout asm

GDB command to disassemble the code around where the crash occured, which you can then step through with the cursor keys.

set disassembly-flavor intel

Another GDB command, makes the former less eye-gougey. Add this to ~/.gdbinit to make the change permanent.

-a user:pass

catgirl IRC client flag to login over SASL.

:root.sidebar tab-item:not(:hover) .closebox,
:root.sidebar .after-tabs .newtab-button-box {
  display: none;

CSS code to hide superfluous elements in Tree Style Tabs. See also userChrome.css.

Region = World

Prevents Windows from installing as much bloatware. Also see this article.

C-M-Up, C-M-Down

Move through unread messages on Discord.

git rebase -i HEAD~n

Git command to rebase past HEAD. May have to git pull merge back with main branch afterwards.

ssh -T

Disable pseudo-terminal -- should prevent ssh from sending whole packets for individual chars, instead buffering line-by-line.

Skew rotation

It is possible to losslessly rotate a bitmap image, by skewing it θ/2 degrees horizontally, -arctan(sin θ) vertically, and again θ/2 degrees horizontally.