2025 Bingo Card
- Get laid off
- Do a back flip
- Climb 5.13
- Ski 5+ times
- Move out of my current house
- Throw a reception party
- Travel internationally for leisure
- Visit Zoe :')
- Finish the Birkie
- Get a new job
- Whitewater kayak in the Midwest
- Climb a v9
- Go to the cabin 5+ times
- Attend 3+ music festivals
- Go to 10 concerts
- Visit 5+ friends
- Get a job I'm proud to talk about
- Do a front flip
- Make 3 new friends
- Bike to the cabin
- Ice climb 2+ times
- Climb outside 3+ times
- Build something cool for tilde.town
- Embroider something cool on a jean jacket
- Run in a road race