ZACH'S Internet Lounge!

Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy it!

Hi dear friends, welcome to my lounge on the web. I am slowly furnishing it with things as I learn how to code web pages.

This page was made with the help of my friends Kalen and Angelica.

The background came from this tumblr post


3.25: I added a new page: Sonic Pi! to collect all my thoughts about this cool musical/computer language

My Tilde Pages

My Feels

Blog made using the engine

My Bookshelf

The books I am reading, have read, or want to read.

Recently Updated Pages

List made by ~ags showing recently updated Tildes. Love this.

A list of my Friends

a list of my friends as I think about them.

Sonic Pi!

all about the coding language sonic pi, and the songs i made with it!

Nice Links outside of Tilde

My Github!

I have some musical code up here, and all the tilde work I do.

A dreamland/website I made for our surreal and joyous comedy show.

My main website.

a member of the ~ring

random ~user | random ~box | next ~user
