My Bookshelf

Currently Reading

On the Internet, by Robert L. Dreyfus

This is a Heidegger-inspired Philosophy book about the internet from 2001. It seems like older books about the internet would be inherently interesting: you get to compare what people thought this all would be vs. what it is now; and see potential branching points where someone from 15 years ago is advising for an approach to technology that could have brought us to a completely different, more exciting place. This book is not that type of book though, though. It is just super boringly written and he does not use any interesting examples so his argument feels "out of touch". My feelings might change when I finish it though.

Recent Reads

a Prehistory of the cloud, by Tung Hui Hu
You are Not a Gadget, by Jaron Lanier
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Who Owns the Future, by Jaron Lanier
Drawing Down the Moon, by Margot Adler
The Finder Library, Vol. 1, by Carla Speed Mcneil
Futchi Perf, by Kevin Czap