~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

07 june 2024

This day also didn't start super well. I went for a run this morning, and instead of my planned 25 minutes, I had to throw the towel after 19 minutes. I already didn't necessarily feel super great about myself, that didn't help :( But oh well, it'll be better next time, probably.

And now I'm shaving yaks to get a patch to eventually get merged, and I'm grumpy about that too. We'll get there.

In the more useful things, foxes-in-love is nailing it again with a recent comic, namely https://foxes-in-love.tumblr.com/post/751719046518538240. I find it very useful to label "knife" when I realize I'm getting into a fight with the people in my head, it apparently tends to stop that spiral! Yay for new labels.

Well that's fascinating: https://www.statnews.com/2024/06/04/co2-ventilation-research-virus-airborne-life-haddrell-celebs/ It seems that CO2 concentration, which is used a proxy for air quality, may also contribute to the survival of viruses in the air (the more CO2, the happier the viruses).