~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

11 june 2024

Went running this morning, and it actually went well! I did my 25 minutes (and 2.5 km during that time). The time between minute 19 and minute 23 was utterly miserable, but it was significantly better after that, which does make me hopeful I can actually manage the 28 minutes that's suppose to happen next in my c25k program. Well, that will happen... after I'm back from holidays, probably.

Also, in today's "maybe if I made things not as hard for myself": today I finally realized that having my running belt on my hips and not my waist is making things better to, like, breathe. I am not a smart person. But oh well, realizing it now is better than realizing it later.

A bit more hope politics-wise, as apparently the left parties managed to reach an agreement to have a single candidate per district, which hopefully will focus things in a good way. I'm definitely in favor in multipartisan (as opposed to bipartisan) systems, but the fact that the 6 (!) left parties found an agreement may be a sign that this has gone a bit too far.

I realized today how bad yesterday actually was. But hey, today is significantly better, AND while I was not in a state to do anything about it or even to believe it, I did have a tiny bit of consciousness about my state and the fact that I was actually not functional. That's huge progress, and deserves to be celebrated.

Luggage ready, alarm-clock set: IT'S HOLIDAY TIME!