~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

21 june 2024

I am back home and typing on a physical keyboard rather than an Android phone! 'Tis better. But, let me finish my travel log for this trip :)

Travel log

Today was the "fly back home" day, but our flight was at 3PM, so we had some more time to spend if we wanted to. We decided to go visit Helsingør (also known as Elsinore), which is the closest town from Sweden in Denmark. We could indeed see the Swedish coast quite clearly, including buildings! The town is very pretty, a lot of older buildings. At first, I was a bit puzzled by the amount of liquor shops in the main street... until I remembered that is was probably a smart commercial move considering the regular ferry from Sweden!

We visited the Sankt Olai (St Olaf) church, which had a lot of very elaborate and very gilded decoration, and a great looking organ (I really liked that one!). It also had a small kids table in the entrance, with a box of plush toys labelled "Noah's Ark", which, I'll admit, made me chuckle.

After our parking adventures in Aahrus due to the half-marathon, we were quite amused to find that Helsingør had a half-Ironman planned for this week-end; that one didn't bother us that much, but we were impressed by the amount of organization and infrastructure involved.

We walked around the Kronborg castle, which is the location of Shakespeare's Hamlet, but we didn't feel like we had time to actually visit it.

We could have, though, because by the time we were at the airport, past the security... we were still two hours before our flight (which got delayed an extra half-hour too.) Bah, we took the opportunity to finally have smørrebrød - it would have been a pity to leave Denmark without having that.

The flight was a bit delayed, a bit bumpy, but we finally arrived in Zürich around 6PM; luggage was long to be delivered (and super wet) when it arrived, but we made it home.

And now for the "back to the regular program" of this blog (well, as "regular" as this thing can be with its young age, I guess):