~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

23 june 2024

There, the web version of this blog has a paginated version with five days per page! It was indeed pretty straightforward. It's not super pretty, but it works (although it's not fully featured yet, and I need to write a bit of doc for, like, the headers & the placeholder vars. But the MVP is visible here :)

I have reduced my set of DSLR pictures from 609 to 147! Well, that was the first selection anyway. Now - processing and more reduction, probably... and integration of the phone pictures in the final album.

Had a large steak lunch with family today, so we skipped dinner, but still watched the latest Doctor Who. Overall a very enjoyable season, both from a "writing" perspective and a "Doctor" perspective. Went for a walk after dinner to Keep The Streak - I've been hitting 5000+ steps every day during the holidays, and it feels like I should continue trying doing that.

Edited 37 pictures out of (now) 141 - well, that's progress made, I guess.