~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

24 june 2024

Mostly quiet day today. Back to work after the holidays, so it was mainly catching up with stuff and people, which is perfectly fine. Also watched the meetings that I missed, and all that sort of things. All in all, I'm essentially ready to restart where I left things before the holidays, which sounds about right. And I still managed to do some code review - not a much, but some, so there's that.

After work I went for a walk - my current objective is to keep my streak of "more than 5000 steps a day" which I accidentally started over the holidays. Hey, we've been back on Friday and it's still alive, I'll take that as a success. I do need to get up more during the day, though, probably (which, well, is also kind of a Current Goal). That may be the one thing I miss by not going to an office: actually going there and walking AT LEAST A BIT during my day - it's pretty hard to make it an habit otherwise (this is not the first time I try), and it's very easy to deprioritize it (whereas when it's part of the commute, well, I actually need to go where I'm going!) Hopefully the weather will help a bit (although tonight's 26°C was almost too hot, if I'm perfectly honest :/ )

Oooh and the day ends well - officially, MediaWiki core is not moving to GitLab, and we're keeping both Gerrit and GitLab for the time being (and, as I understand it, staying on Gerrit for the use cases that are currently relevant to me). Wiki page: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/GitLab/Migration_status This is not necessarily a huge surprise, but it is a large relief. I do like Gerrit a lot, I'm used to it by now, and I was definitely not looking forward to changing my current workflow.