~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

04 july 2024

Started the day in a small wiki edit rabbit hole about art history, of all things - saw a thing on Mastodon about Claude Mellan, a 17th century engraver; went to Wikipedia, saw a "citation needed"... and fixed that (including the actual statement needing a citation.) Obviously this also included "how do I make a reference to a book chapter" template side-quest, and all of that. Fun, but now I need coffee :P

That was a surprisingly productive day. I submitted two patches, learnt stuff about an extension and an API to do something I wanted to do (but hadn't dug into yet), and I fiddled with a third bug, for which I hope to be able to make some progress tomorrow. Oh, and I closed this week's deployment task since it was all good. And all of that while fighting some fight about some administrative stuff. A good day, overall.

I had opened a Bookwyrm account a week or so ago, to try it as an alternative to GoodReads. First time I tried, the import was temporarily closed, so I could not import my stuff to test. Today, the import work, so I gave it a try. I do get that the decentralized nature of the network makes it Hardâ„¢ to have a single "source of truth" for the items (books, authors, collections) of the catalogue - and, in all fairness, GoodReads is not perfect on that point either (I may or may not have asked for librarian status on GoodReads for this exact purpose of merging things that are supposed to go together.) But it feels like it makes the whole system, at the very least, very very clunky to use? I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, or if it's just Not Usable For My Brain (wouldn't be the first thing) - I asked on Mastodon, we'll see.


The word for today's Writever was "build".

Compiling light            ##### 100%
Testing light              ##### 100%
Compiling planets          ##### 100%
Testing planets            ##### 100%
Creating all living things ##### 100%
Testing all living things  ##### 100%
Compiling eternal life     ## 40% - ERROR - Build failed - Missing ';' at line 9210912093