~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

08 july 2024

Sports / running

Did my 25-minute run this morning, 2.41km. I went via the road over the river rather than turning earlier, so that I could avoid crossing the street towards the end of the road - I think that was a good idea. It felt harder than on Friday, probably because yesterday and last night were not necessarily optimal conditions for exercising today. But, eh, went out, did it.

Had a fairly productive day today - did some reviews, sent a couple of patches, and spent the afternoon poking at the problem I have been trying to understand for a couple of days - and finally cracked it.

Also went to choir this evening - I enjoyed it more than last week, possibly because having seen the songs last week helps... and also I got my voice back, woo!

Unclear why I'm feeling somewhat deflated/sad, though :/ Maybe I just need to go to bed, so let's do that.


Late again, and I didn't catch up to today, but at least I wrote yesterday's, for the theme "Questioning".

It must have been weird in the Before Time, needing to choose your studies and your career and your partner.

Sometimes, I yearn for that freedom. But removing questioning also avoids mistakes; or, if it does not, it avoids the associated guilt. We seem to be happier that way. Although maybe that's the Mood Optimizers talking.