~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

10 july 2024

I think I did manage to setup vim to autowrap text at 80 - my config was apparently missing a "t" in the format options. So there, now it works, I'm happy \o/ the little things, really. Also the internets were REALLY CONFUSING on the matter.


Therapy today was kind of weird (spent most of it very dissociated), but useful, because I'm still tired, but I do feel like I stepped out of the hamster wheel for a moment. Took me a while to come back, but at the same time I had enough observer online to be able to see in which order things were happening, which was in itself fascinating.

Also best quote ever - I was wearing my "don't fight your demons, hire them" t-shirt, to which P. quipped "you need a 'don't fight your demons, let them rest' t-shirt". And yes, yes, I absolutely do.

Sports / weights / strength

Went to Paula after therapy, it stays consistenly good. Today we did some 40kg dealifts again, some front-carry, rows with 12.5kg kettlebell, and some bench at 20+kg. It was good, I'm tired everywhere, works as intended. She gave me some breathing technique tips though, which were useful. And apparently my bench form is great, which made me happy :)

Made some banana cake! It's like banana bread, but in round shape so that it fit my timing constraints :P

Wrote an AlphabeticalZürich: https://alphabeticalzurich.wordpress.com/2024/07/10/auzelg/


There, NOW I'm up-to-date again on Writever - I'll try to not slip that much again this month. And it's even up-to-date on the full month page!

Writever July 8th

The word for the day before yesterday was "Solidarity".

The TRAPPIST colonies, strongly condemning the acts of the Gliese planetary system state, and expressing strong support towards Earth and the Solar system, call for an immediate and durable cessation of hostilities.

For Earth, we stand in Sol-idarity.

Writever July 9th

The word for yesterday was "Travel".

I don't think I'd want to go back.

But it used to be that, to feel fully "on vacation", you traveled for roughly a day. Whether you were traveling 900km at 150km/h, 6'000km at 1'000km/h or 400'000km at 50'000km/h... you were still essentially traveling for a day.

Teleportation made travel times moot, and maybe we have lost something there.

Writever July 10th

Today's word is "Interstices".

Humans say that the greatest trick I ever played was convincing the world that I did not exist. I beg to differ: it was convincing the world that idleness was a sin.

I have so much more opportunities to sway people my way, in all these interstices of time where they used to daydream and are now trying to fill at all cost.