~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

12 july 2024

Sports / running

The hardest part today was honestly to get out of the door. I was tired, I didn't want to go, and I seriously sat for a good fifteen minutes staring in the void asking myself if I'd rather "have done it" or "have given up on it". I still put my shoes on, went out, started running, almost gave up after 3 minutes ("... at least I tried"), powered on, did the full 25 minutes.

It was, incidentally, the third time I did 25 minutes, which means that Monday is 28 minutes, which will be my personal record. I'm reasonably confident I can do it, because after 25 minutes, I do have some reserve. Problem is: my brain is utterly not convinced of that around the 18-minute mark, so that's another place to have to push through. I do not enjoy it.

Brain has also Not Helped as there were a lot of runners on my path today, and they all looked, like, light, and I was feeling so fucking heavy. Urgh. Also the weather was super humid, not super pleasant.

But hey, went out, did it, have another 25 minutes and 2.4 km in the books.

Work was so-so most of the day, was pretty unfocused - still managed to get a few reviews in, and I did finish the day by finishing the investigation I wanted to do (and I think I even have a reasonable-ish solution for my problem), so all in all okay. Had a jigsaw puzzle break this afternoon, that was lovely.

Game night was nice, did manage to not drink too much and not eat too much chocolate, but I'm still super-full. I probably shouldn't eat a whole portion of take-away anymore... it just doesn't fit. Made scofflaws, that's definitely a strong contender for one of my favorite cocktails... and it mixes in a glass, not in a shaker, which is actually more convenient when making several at a time.


The word for today was "Queer".

"You mean, they were living with a single partner?

  • Most of them, officially, yes.

  • And they believed in binary genders?

  • It was the prevalent view at the time, yes.

  • And they were pairing exclusively with people of the other gender?

  • Exclusively, no; by a large majority, yes.

  • How queer."