~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

13 july 2024

Sports / weights / strength

Went to the gym this morning, did some 15kg goblet squats, some landmine shoulder press (20kg bar on the floor + 5kg weight), and 23kg lat pull downs. Could have I done more? probably. Was it enough? also probably - I'm a bit tired but I still have some energy for the rest of my day.

I'm not super happy with yesterday's Writever; I think it has potential for misinterpretation / making me say something I really don't want to say / give the wrong idea. I'm not sure what to do with that.

Went shopping with full success today. Finally crossed the door of a brick&mortar Levi's shop and talked to the nice salesperson, who was very helpful - because now I do have jeans. I bought two pairs, and doubled my number of wearable jeans pairs - I don't remember last time I had that many, fancy!

We also went to the sports equipment shop - Pierre wanted a bike helmet (he got one, and again what we felt was good advice from the salesperson), and I bought a pair of sports pants. It was kind of annoying, because I tried 5 different, and the only one I really liked was 1/ more expensive 2/ with a Swiss olympic team logo, which I could honestly do without. But oh well - I needed a second pair of sports pants too. So, there, shopping successful.

Watched Inside Out this evening. It was both very good and pretty unsettling, I think because of the literally mind-shattering consequences of Shit Going Wrong, which is... scary. But, I really liked it, still.