~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

22 july 2024

Spent a significant amount of time today doing administrative stuff and trying to get numbers that reflect reality in a table. I now have the numbers reflecting reality in the table. I now have a screenshot of the numbers reflecting reality, even if I know that somewhere under the hood there is another lie hiding. I am tired and annoyed and THIS SHOULDN'T BE SO HARD. (yeah, I'm vaguebooking. deal with it.)

I almost skipped choir today because I didn't want to deal with entering the restricted building. So instead I message my choirmates to get support with that (and they were very supportive), and I still managed to go to choir. Identifying what is an issue and getting support for the specific thing that is an issue, instead of letting the issue being a blocker for the whole thing: a winning strategy, it seems. (Also :gasp: asking for help. Who would have thunk.)