~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

25 july 2024

Sport / running

Did 28 minutes today, and it was fine. And I wasn't dead afterwards, which, like, progress. Turns out my doc was apparently possibly right when she said "it's going to be better, energy-wise" - except she was telling me to give it 3 months and I apparently needed 6.

Today was a fairly cranky day - I'm working on a fairly large patch in the realm of an even larger refactoring and, we'll get there, probably, but I had to fight Brainz all afternoon that were telling me that I really lacked refactoring skills (and in probably far more negative words). I pushed through, one step at a time, but it wasn't pleasant, and I needed a smol cry this evening after that. Meh.


But I caught up on Writever!

Writever July 22nd

The word for July 22nd was "Walk".

The vintage self-help books I found in my grandmother's trunk all have a similar theme: going for a walk is easy and can solve a ton of problems.

I'm not saying it can't, and the few times I did, it did help. But they vastly overestimate the "easy" part in a context where you need a pressurized suit, air bottles and magnetic boots to go for a walk outside.

Writever July 23rd

The word for July 23rd was "Maroon".

Stupid transmission errors, stupid Make-a-Wish AI. I had won a low-grade wish, so I wished for something realistic: twelve dozens macaroons. This is currently the 54th deserted island I'm marooned on in a row. 120 to go...

Writever July 24th

The word for yesterday was "Partners".

"Are you two married?

− We can only be registered partners for now. Our state just barely made robot wedding legal; we're still fighting for human/robot wedding.

− I'm sure we'll get there.

− I hope so. I can't wait to marry my human."

Writever July 25th

The word for today is "Dream".

Of all magic essences, Dream is considered the most powerful and the most dangerous one. The ability to conjure anything at all, no matter how small, big, complex or twisted, by the power of thought comes with the need to control one's nights with an unwavering consistency. Accidents happen way too often; thankfully, no mage has yet managed to Dream themselves out of the Enclave.