~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

01 august 2024

Busy day for a public holiday! Went for a long walk for AlphabeticalZürich (I still need to transfer the pictures to the computer). Had a fairly late lunch, and hurried to the gym (note to self: never ever again go to the gym that close after a meal. Stomach was NOT impressed.). Lifted weights, was okay. Talked to S. on her last day of work with us, which was nice, but also a bit sad. And had dinner at Brasserie Fédéral with C. and A., had a really nice evening.

I'm still feeling a lot of anxious energy, but it did me good to keep myself busy. And now I'm home, with all windows open (dealing with window optimizing is also adding to the anxiety, tbh), listening to the August 1st fireworks in the background.