~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

02 august 2024


Well, it's officially August 2nd, but I did finish July Writever. So here are the last entries!

Writever July 28th

The word for July 28th was "Decenter".

As the climate change is becoming a more and more pressing issue, more and more ludicrous ideas are gaining traction. The latest I've seen is the Decenter project, whose goal is to modify the orbit of Earth around the Sun so that it's a bit further away (and colder) and somewhat off-center (to get a longer cold season). And to take the opportunity to offset a bit more to compensate for the CO2 production necessary for such an endeavour, obviously...

Writever July 29th

The word for July 29th was "Speaking".

"Sasha and I aren't exactly on speaking terms anymore.

− Oh, what happened? Did you fight?

− Quite the opposite! We got matching My-Mind-To-Your-Mind implants, so speech became mostly useless between us.

− Only mostly?

− Yeah, puns are still much better out loud."

Writever July 30th

The word for July 30th was "Survey".

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a librarian. More than the books themselves, I think I had a fascination for the Dewey system, and finding the right code for every book.

Later, I found tremendous joy in inputting and organizing all kinds of data, from my sticker collection to samples at the lab.

When the new exploration mission started recruiting, I applied for the survey cataloger job. The day I got selected is still the happiest day of my life.

Writever July 31st

The word for July 31ts was "Black".

Most colonists adjust pretty well to the underground facilities. A lot of effort has been made to give a good day/night cycle, and the progress around sun-substituting lights have been impressive (the people working the 'ponics even need sunscreen!)

But we haven't found a way yet to get stars look like anything else than a bunch of lights projected on too black a screen. Turns out, nightlight is much harder to get right than daylight.