~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

03 august 2024

Sports / running

Tried on my new shoes & socks this morning on the run. It was mostly good, but my feet muscles were definitely not having the same feel as usual. I went a bit further away today, just to check the next bridge over the Sihl, and with the vague plan of "maybe I'll push a bit after the 30-minute mark". The 30-minute mark came and I still stopped, though. I was a bit further away from home, but that was fine.

Feeling a bit bleh. I need to pack to go to Katowice/Wikimania next week, and I need to do laundry before that, and it's 13:00 and I don't have lunch plans/ideas yet. I also need to get some food to survive the week-end, and making a plan for that feels like something I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DO. I guess I'll just go to Migros, grab a bunch of stuff, probably something quicker for today's lunch - but for that I need to go shower first too. Bleh. I'm tired and cranky because I'm not getting enough sleep, and it's my own damn fault, and grmbl.

Okay, it took the whole day, essentially, and a significant amount of self-loathing, but I fed myself, I did the batch of laundry I really wanted to make (and it's even folded and in the closet), and I went to the supermarket and got food.

Today's moods: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/dinosandcomics-finished/940-boyfriend/viewer?title_no=657052&episode_no=941 and https://www.bouletcorp.com/rogatons/2024/08/03 (this one's in French)

Blizzard modified the WoW pre-patch event so that it's both less frustrating and easier to get rewards, and I'm quite happy about that.

I almost bought some cacti today, but I have no idea how to properly care for cacti and I'd be devastated if they died early. So I guess that first I need to read about how to care for cacti.