~balise's blog (powered by TTBP)

22 august 2024

Well, it's been a minute. Came back from Poland after Wikimania, and then more stuff happened, and, well.

Wikimania was really good - I came back with a weird mix of "super tired and yet super energized"; in the meantime since then I did add a data set on Wikidata while playing with OpenRefine, which was cool! (And just a teeny tiny bit overfocusing on that. Just a bit.)

I still have more stuff I want to follow up with, but one thing at a time; right now life is Distracting™, so I'm mostly trying to give myself a little bit of slack; trying being the operative word here.

I was in France last week-end and went to a bookshop, and I accidentally came out of that bookshop with three books - which, considered how little I read on paper lately, may not have been the smartest of choices. But, I'm halfway through one of them (a literary study of Buffy), so maybe not that stupid either.