01 may 2016
test one, two, three.
now this is coming through ttbp proper.
things i did today:
- figured out screen clearing
- figured out subprocess
- helped a friend look at some bicycles
future work on ttbp:
- permalink to individual posts
- edit/delete posts from cli
- list global posts, recently updated, etc.
- c-c-c-commenting?? i kind of don't want to have a commenting feature at all. or at least, not one attached to posts? so maybe the ability to respond to a particular post directly to the author.
- d o c u m e n t a t i o n
- stylesheet selection
- sidebar??
things that are important for ttbp:
- low barrier to entry: users don't have to know how to use html, command line things, etc. can do all basic actions from the program (mostly just posting, really).
- users should not have to clone a repo, install libraries/code/etc.; codebase is hosted in my ~ so users can just run it
- advanced users can do their own customization, like stylesheets and page layout; maybe provide documentation for this??
- contributor-friendly: i've never really had collaborators on my own projects before, but if other people have interested in writing features or chasing bugs, i want to be open to pull requests!