My History with the SCP Foundation

so back when I was like, maybe 13, maybe 11, I was really into SCPs and the SCP community. I wanted to write for them, I read all their rules, but I was definitely not yet the age they wanted me to be. (I think they only wanted writers 15 and up) I applied to the IRC anyway though. I had already had some experience with IRC because around this time I was also active on /r/writingprompts and was in that IRC a lot. I think I just lied about my age and got into the writer's irc or something, and it was a really awesome time. There's this one cool person who made the video game SCP in gamemaker and I was chatting with them as I played the game and figured it out and it was absolutely awesome. If you know that SCP (don't remember the number off the top of my head) you know how cool that game is.

I think I really did try to sandbox and workshop an SCP once. I was inspired by an image and was imagining this green foamy soap goo coming out of sinks and absorbing people into their hivemind. I tried to work on the entry but in hindsight I get why I didn't publish it. Was fun though!

But yes the SCP foundation is awesome and super essential to my own experience of the world of horror, online horror in particular. I think I tried to get back into that IRC once I was actually 15 but by this time I really didn't have much time for writing. Still liked hanging out a bit though. Turns out that one of my new friend's girlfriend is a pretty big writer for the SCP foundation, or mayyyybe a mod or something. I think it's awesome, I haven't gotten a chance to talk to them yet though.