numbers are EPIC

When I was real young, like younger than 10, and starting to explore the wonder of the dial up internet, I would go looking for stuff to do on websites and such. I visited pages like mindbluff a lot, or like PowerPets honestly... But I spent a lot of time on this one site, Or I remember it being off in some way, using the British spelling somewhere. Anyway, I took a lot of pride and fun in learning math a lot, and I would go on this website and try to teach myself, like, logarithms in grade 3... I memorized sohcahtoa (the trigonometry thing) way back then too. Never really helped me til I needed it for stuff, but it was a lot of fun. They also had good flash games. Since it was a math website (like many math websites for kids) if it had flash games it could be unblocked on school wifi. I think I even tried to teach myself chess at that point.

There was also this "math cats" website, I think I remember. It had this falling blocks building sort of game. I loved falling games, like falling sand or blocks. Loved building with them. Anyway numbers are so cool. I watched a lot of numberphile on youtube too around this time. I just think there's a lot of math stuff that is fun and cool and I like hyperfixating on :)

This all culminated in late high school to being a TA for Accelerated College Algebra and taking AP Calc and doing really good. I really loved AP Calc and did good at it until COVID hit and sent us home. We couldn't learn enough for the BC test this way so my teacher taught AB, but I chose not to take the final exam. All the differences in what I imagined really got to me and learning was fucking hell at home instead of at school. But I loved AP Calc and I still have the binder, and I still love the teacher and we're like family.

so yeah!!! math!!!! numbers!!!!!!! cool!!!