
25 july 2018

I wanted to keep writing here pretty much nightly, as a sort of journaling exercise, but by the time I get the chance it's way past the point where I should have gone to sleep. I have to abandon most creative projects like this because the only time I can devote to them on a daily basis is time when I should be sleeping.

I was feeling very moody driving to work this morning, worrying about money and about whether I'm good enough at my first tech internship and stuff, and then I saw a rainbow, and it helped a little.

I'm no longer on employer health insurance now that I left my old job for this intern, and I wonder if the insurance I'm buying through my university will make it more feasible & affordable for me to afford things like having my blood cholesterol levels checked so my doctor can renew my statin prescription, or to see a psychotherapist again. I'm not 100% sure I need to do that right now. I've known people who would say you should be proactive about seeing a therapist but under my last health insurance plan it would have cost me more money than I had.

I'm pretty exhausted.
