
29 may 2019

How to browse Reddit is 2019 (for masochists):

  1. Only follow large, popular subreddits that garner lots of upvotes (/r/popular, /r/all).
  2. Skim until you find a sufficiently controversial and/or upsetting headline.
  3. Go straight to the comments. Don't bother clicking the article link, it's probably nothing but fluff and ads anyways.
  4. Scroll down until you find a comment that matches your preformed opinion on the topic.
  5. Follow along with the comment chain and have a pretend argument in your head.
  6. Do this for around 10-20 minutes, then go back to step 2 and repeat.

Remeber!!! It doesn't matter what the topic is, the important thing is that someone else is wrong and should feel bad about it.

God, I hate Reddit.