20 february 2025
From monday I'll be starting my brain rewiring. The goal is to get addicted to learning to avoid procastination. The routine I have in mind will be, going to class and study in a study room while I have free time (on monday and fridays I have classes only in the morning), this up to 5PM/6PM. After that I'm either going home or doing activity unrelated to my curriculum (on wednesdays there's PoliMovies' cineforum screening). In the evening after I get home it's either dinner, running and showering or running, showering then dinner. Need this to tire myself, that way I'll be knock'd out by 10:30PM (that's when I went to sleep during the covid lockdown, which was when I was at my most productive, academically speaking). Saturday morning should be dedicated to studying, but that really depends on whether I have plans with friends that weekend. Sunday afternoon is already occupied anyway so nothing to plan there, as for the evening, I won't be studying at all. That's my free time for either playing games or personal projects (which isn't much depending on what I decide to do on satudays).
Hopefully I'll be albe to stick to this regime. I think the secret is in tiring myself out to go to sleep early. That way I won't even consider turning my PC on. I also have to rework my PC setup when I'm studying from home, as it is right now I receive a notification for any kind of ping, be it telegram, XMPP or IRC (I even made a bot for whenever people mention my name without tagging me).