02 september 2023
First post in this blog !
I just arrived in the ~tilde town !
I really love the idea of this place. The internet of the 90' always looked better to me, and I'm a text-only fan !
Tile Town's blogging engine (ttbp) is quite nice, and allows a very simple gestion of a text-only blog.
Why text only ?
I wanted for a while to make a blog. A more text-only blog. I already have a more "modern" blog here : osk42.quarto.pub (it's french). It's better for certain things : it "looks good", I can host my CV here, I can have stats of how many people visit it, I can experiment cool stuff... But it's also quite bloat, because it has to load js libraries and execute things on the client side. So it is also good to have a place where I can keep it simple.
Also, text-based information is much better for many reasons, as explained in this article from karl voit.