04 september 2023
Critical thinking is absent
I started recently to feel quite depressed about the lack of critical thinking in many places.
The other day, I looked at an interview of a guy that has a lot of culture, a lot of historical knowledge. That is very cool, and I'm always super excited about people that have knowledge ! But There was basically no reasoning behind it.
The university updated the internal rules of the CS department. I was also ashamed of the total lack of any thoughts about possible side effects of decisions, or possible hidden causes to some problems.
Globally, I see that a lot of people just use common sense as their only way to think. Common sense is sometimes true, but has no value in an argument. It feels like people just don't care about thinking correctly (and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "young people are dumb", that is true for every generation).
Maybe I'm biased, maybe I'm just wrong, but I really feel like the whole society really needs more critical thinking, because it is really sad as it is now.
That is part of why I think we should be taught critical thinking (zetetic) at school.