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05 january 2025

Exams are stressful

I have exams in two days. It's kinda stressful... It's one of the first times ever that I experiment stress for exams. Usually I just don't really care that much, but this year my parents and my civil godfather are paying my studies in another city, so I really have to succeed for them.

Also I have experienced insomnia during this first sememster. So much that I missed quite a lot of lessons. Well, I don't know if you could call it insomnia. It's really bedtime procrastination, i.e. I push back on bed time because "I have stuff to do", util it's like 2 or 3 am...

Another factor is that I don't really like what I'm doing. I'm in third year of math, and it's not that I don't like math, but I didn't really get involved in some subjects (namely, topology and integration), so I didn't build any intuition, and now I don't have this grasp that you get when you start to really know a subject...

Physical supports are great

So, for christmas, my father gave me his old vinyl turntable. I already owned a few discs because I had a more-than-crappy turntable. Now I have a nice setup with a Thorens TD166 turntable, a NAD 3020 integrated amplifier (the speakers aren't great though, I'll have to change them).

This experience for listenig to music reminded me of a conclusion I already had : physical supports have a great feeling to them.

It's true for vinyl records vs digital music, but also for many other things :

The list goes on... I'm sure you can find an example you encountered.

I can find at least a few reasons to this, but I should really make a proper post about this !

Anyway, I really enjoy the whole process of searching for a record, getting it out of the cover, cleaning it, setting the arm... The whole thing is a great opportunity to take a break, and a kind of relaxing ritual.
