~zach's tilde of feelings


11 march 2017

Played boardgames tonight and it was fantastic! IT feels good to help people get into boardgames. I need all my friends as into them as I am, so we can start playing the longer, more indepth games! But tonight we played patchwork, netrunner, foppen, and love letter and i am pleased as punch.

on Tilde I added a new lil essay! /ted-nelson.html . This is my appreciation of ted nelson that i wrote for another site a little while back, but that site is basically defunct. So I wanted to store it here.

I find that I am getting more and more into having all things I do just on the tilde page.

Speaking of which, i might start tracking my sonic pi progress on tilde too. Right now it's all on github, but I want to try to find other sonic pi enthusiasts so we can learn from each other. that is all! have a good night!
