return TTBP

02 april 2019

Made it to Hattiesburg today for a conference. I met some other of the librarians who work in other departments. I felt kind of generally awkward but I think maybe they're the type of people who are also so. So maybe it's okay and maybe I wasn't being weird. The drive was alright. I had some of that nodding-off thing that happens on long drives sometimes but I did just fine. Had a veggie burger from BK, not bad.

Honestly I'm doing this form of journaling and my notebook and I'm not sure if that's too much or just enough. Is there anything different between this writing and that writing? I'm not sure. Sometimes it seems so and sometimes it doesn't seem so. Maybe this is the stuff I'm okay with someone finding out, and my notebook is for other stuff, more personal stuff.

Even though there's not really an audience here, I'm writing for one.